Soda Inu, the new token for solid soda drinkers!

Soda One
2 min readMay 13, 2022


SODAINU Token is a Genuine crypto project manufactured for solid soda drinkers!
building a new farming and NFT focused DeFi platform on the Binance smart chain.

Our vision is to craft the tokens and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in mind & finances. And done in ways that create a more sustainable business and better shared future that makes a difference in people’s lives, communities and our planet.

SODAINU will be the next leading brand to innovate the space by giving back to its followers USDC for there continues support through these drought times and to introduce a new and better version of token/NFT’s with a more relatable cause. SODAINU will allow users to manage their own pools and invite users by sending them “common” SODAINU NFTs! What better way to invite users by sending them an NFT?

Join us now to shape a better future for everyone. support our vision in making the planet sustainable and to create better conditions for people in socio-economically vulnerable areas.

What better time for us to be “Brave” than now?

Initial Features

For our launch we will introduce a 2% reflection token holder fee where users will get $SODAINU tokens for free just by holding SODAINU! The SODAINU token will then get more people onboard by using the reflection features and attaching a pooling with this. This will be a new feature never before seen on other tokens!

Is it SAFE?

Soda Inu is 100% SAFE! Ownership will be renounced and liquidity locked. We understand the fear of investing in BSC token but SODAINU will make our holders proud with our safeness and transparency.


To prevent bots from getting in initially and presalers taking over and dumping tokens $SODA will have a stealth launch and everybody will get a fair chance to get in the token.


New social media infos will be added here but for now


