Soda Sparkling - Liquidity Provider Rewards

Soda Protocol
3 min readNov 23, 2021


To award the liquidity providers, SODA is holding a supply ranking campaign. The details are as follows. Please go to our website to participate:


Nov 25th 14:00 UTC — Dec 24th 16:00 UTC


Soda will take snapshots of everyone’s liquidity score(calculated by liquidity with weight) in the lending pool at certain intervals during the campaign period and the rank is determined by the average liquidity score of all snapshots. Different tokens have different coefficients which are shown in the chart below.


1st The King

2nd-20th Rook

21st-50th Bishop

51st-100th Knight

The top 100 suppliers will get a special NFT according to their ranks. The NFT holder can share the reward pool proportionally.

The reward for the King is 7% of the unlocked reward pool, the reward for a Rook is 2%, the reward for a Bishop is 1% and for Knight is 0.5%. Participants can check the reward details on our website.

Reward Pool:

The reward pool contains 2,000,000 SODA tokens (1% of the total $SODA supply).

When the average TVL(one week after the Campaign ends) reaches 10M USDC, 1% of the reward pool will be unlocked and given to the winners.

When 30M USDC, 6% reward unlocked.

When 60M USDC, 15% reward unlocked.

When 90M USDC, 30% reward unlocked.

When 120M USDC, 50% reward unlocked.

When 150M USDC, 65% reward unlocked.

When 180M USDC, 80% reward unlocked.

When 220M USDC, 100% reward unlocked.

If you think these are all the rewards you can get, you’re definitely wrong! When the total supply surpasses 220M, it will trigger the hidden extra bonus: Queen!

Currency Coefficient:

Different currencies have different coefficients when calculating the average supply. The coefficient of the currencies are as follows:

However, if the total supply in the lending pool is less than 220M when the campaign’s over, half of the left tokens will be rewarded to the top 10 suppliers, and another half will be burned.

In the following months, Soda will have more campaigns (including joint campaigns with partners), and send out more exclusive NFTs. Some certain combinations of NFTs will have the chance to get special rewards and farming bonuses.



Soda Protocol

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