Serina Jones
3 min readNov 9, 2023
Text reads “Orbits of the Planets” White on a navy blue background. A circle of constellations surrounds drawings of different orbital patterns.

Saturn stationary at 0*Pisces might be very loud right now and for the last week or so. Saturn’s got a case of rigor mortis. It needs a few days before it can start to loosen up. Planets get loud when they station or appear to stand still within the ecliptic. When I say a planet gets loud, I mean the significations and story of that planet become clear.

Saturn first entered Pisces in March, made it to 7° degrees, then stationed retrograde in June.

So June might have been the last time these concepts got really loud somewhere in our lives. Especially for those with planets or angles at 5°-9° of the mutable signs Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius.

Some typical Saturn keywords and concepts we come across often are : Restriction, Discipline, Authority, Time, Age, Old, Grandparents, Patriarchs, Matriarchs, Constriction, Heavy-ness, Hardness, Teeth, Bones, Walls, Limits, Rules, Maturity, Minimalism, Boundaries, Congestion, Blocks, Death and Responsibility.

Pisces typical keywords and concepts might include spirituality, imagination, images, confusion, sleep, altered states of consciousness, boundarylessness, escape, formlessness, oil & oils, the ocean, water, lymph & gland system, mucus, drugs, intuition, emotions, art, faith, prophecy, visions and grief.

Find one or two words from each list and put them together in a way that’s meaningful to you right now or gives you something meaningful to contemplate.

The Rules of The Ocean.

Emotional Discipline.

Matriarch Consciousness.

Restricted Sleep.

Old Prophesy.

Spiritual authority.

Images of Time.

Congested lymph.

Blocked Glands.

Control through vision.

Or we can leave it to just 1 or 2 Saturn concepts coming through strong and loud right now.

Restriction. Limits. Death. Boundaries.

To get more personal with it, we can then look to what house Pisces falls in our charts, what houses Saturn rules and what planets in our chart Saturn might be in relationship with.

Pisces is my 5th house. 5th house keywords and concepts include children, babies, creativity, recreation, fun & pleasure.

I’m relating to themes of and reflecting around my children taking on more responsibility and growing up. My eldest is 17, has held down a job for over a year, holds positions of authority in her school, and will most likely be moving out on her own in some capacity within the year. My middle child, got braces put on in March, and I am still holding out hope he may start to show some sense of responsibility or respect for rules or maturity soon. I’ve definitely been having to cultivate more emotional boundaries with him.

Where I’m feeling it most loudly right now though, is my youngest child, my Pisces baby. He is 2.5 and I am in the (long and drawn out, because I suck at it) process of weaning him. It got really loud this week when I tried hard to set some boundaries around sleeping and nursing. Its been very hard to set these boundaries with him. And in a way, it is forcing him to grow up a little (insert crying mom here). Its been more tough (re impossible) because him and I both are not feeling well. We have some kind of head-cold. And there’s some of our keywords from above again…lymph clogs, mucus blocking our noses.

This is one way the vast and ancient wisdom tradition of astrology gives us very effective tools for making meaning of our modern lives. Words, essentially. The right words. And how to organize them.

A purple shining planet saturn sits in a starry sky.
Serina Jones

How do we get through this thing called life? Connecting, wondering, soul-making - through the language of astrology & other vast & ancient wisdom traditions