9 questions with Ella Zeff, sport management major


After exploring options in KU’s Department of Health, Sport & Exercise Sciences, Ella Zeff saw a path for herself in sport management. Now a sophomore, she’s following in the footsteps of female role models in sports and looking to make an impact of her own in the industry.

We checked in with Ella, who told us about the leadership skills she’s developed at KU, the classes and mentors who have made a difference, and why persistence and a can-do mindset can go a long way.

How did you decide your major was right for you?

I originally thought I wanted to study Exercise Science, but after learning more about Sport Management, I realized this was the path I wanted to take. After taking Dr. Bass’s Intro to Sport Management class, I was certain I had made the right choice and every experience I have had since has confirmed this.

What do you think is most valuable about being a student in the School of Education & Human Sciences?

I have developed a lot of leadership skills in my different positions, and I have learned to utilize my resources at KU, and specifically in my major, while I have them as a student.

“I am passionate about sports and my Sport Management major allows me to dig deeper into serious topics while using sports to explain and comprehend them.”

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about sports and my Sport Management major allows me to dig deeper into serious topics while using sports to explain and comprehend them. The power of sport is fascinating, so I enjoy learning about it in the classroom too.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned as a student in the School of Education & Human Sciences?

Network! And stay persistent because hard work will pay off.

Give a shout-out to a KU mentor who’s made a difference in your life.

The people at KU are so amazing that I could not choose just one! Dr. Chris Brown and Regan Baker have both been mentors to me throughout my time at KU so far.

Are you involved with any KU student groups or professional organizations?

I am a member of Delta Gamma sorority, KU Club Hockey, and the Sport Management Club. I have a leadership position with the Hockey Club. I hold the Vice President role for the team, which has been a great experience working alongside so many hardworking and creative people.

We’ve been able to grow the club a lot this year, especially by leading our inaugural Hockey Fights Cancer campaign.

“I want to make an impact as a woman in sports. There are so many inspiring women in the industry who are breaking barriers, and I want to be a part of that.”

Have you completed any internships, study abroad trips, or other learning experiences you’d like to tell us about?

This past summer, I was a game day intern with the Cotutit Kettleers of the Cape Cod Baseball League. It was one of the best experiences I have had so far because I had the opportunity to work alongside some very hardworking interns from all over the country while being around in the highest level of summer college baseball. We were immersed into the culture of baseball on Cape Cod and I could not be more grateful to have had that experience.

What do you want to do after you graduate?

I want to make an impact as a woman in sports. There are so many inspiring women in the industry who are breaking barriers, and I want to be a part of that.

It’s Friday. You’re walking down Jayhawk Blvd. to your last class of the week. What’s on your music playlist?

I listen to my “Friyay” playlist that I found on Spotify because they are happy and uplifting songs to lead into the weekend. Also, Jayhawk Blvd. is my favorite place on campus.



KU School of Education & Human Sciences

Preparing educators and human science professionals as leaders since 1909.