Trainspotting — Irvine Welsh

4 min readJul 29, 2022


Written by Irvine Welsh, this cult book is about a group of friends’ time spent addicted to heroin and other substances. We read the entire book from the character of Renton. Each character in the book is very unique and has different addictions. It is a book that is very well handled in terms of place and place.

Graphic Design: Beyza N. Kara

While reading the book, we wander around Edinburgh’s streets, houses, bars, the dirtiest toilet in the world. The book is heavy in terms of general subject, if you may have difficulty reading it. Some paragraphs may make you very uncomfortable, if you are going to read this book, I warn you in advance so that you do not feel bad afterwards. When you are sure that you want to study, please make sure that you feel good mentally. Because I don’t want this book to leave you with lasting bad feelings. If you read this book and like it, it would be useful to research and read the sequel.

We all know that any drug that makes people numb is not healthy. Especially when the drug age has dropped to 12 today. These are not things that bring benefit or pleasure to people. If you read this book it will give you a great perspective and empathy about heroin and other drugs. Because what you read on Trainspotting is usually not fun. Renton tries to quit heroin many times, he tells us the effect of heroin from different angles, as good or bad according to him. We read about his friends and family who react to him. Trainspotting is a book that presents every harm that drugs can cause from different perspectives. In addition to these, the great suffering and losses caused by heroin are frequently mentioned. How heroin and society are at the same time as a whole is also explained in a literary and realistic way.

It is sometimes a pleasure to read Renton and his friends throughout the entire book. Because the Punk culture they are in is very big. For example, in one paragraph, they go to an Iggy Pop concert. Maybe you can come across songs of your favorite bands or artists while reading. There’s a reason this book has had a cult following under the underground literature series. If you enjoy underground literature books, it is just for you. After the book was published, there is also a 1996 film with the same title as the book. If you want things to be clearer after reading the book, I recommend you to watch the movie. The book and movie complement each other incredibly well. CHOOSE LIFE. CHOOSE LIFE.


funny; I know a lot of heroin, junkie and speed addicts, but alcohol addicts are the worst off. (Page 81)

Iggy Pop looked directly at me and sang the line of the song, “America Takes Drugs for Spiritual Defense.” But he changed the word ‘America’ to ‘Scotland’ and described us better than anyone else in one sentence… (pages 82–83)

He faltered; You can ditch the heroin, but never the heroin, he thought. (Page 151)

Success and failure mean that the desire is satisfied or kept in it. Desire is either predominantly internal, depending on our personal impulses, or external, stimulated mainly by advertisements or role models offered by the media and popular culture. (Page 191)

Society invents an artificial and convoluted logic to absorb people whose behavior falls outside of its norms. Let’s say I’m aware of all the pros and cons, I know I’m going to have a short lifespan and I’m sane, blah blah and I still want to use heroin? They don’t allow. They won’t allow it because it will be seen as a sign of their own failure. That’s how it’s perceived when you reject what they offer you. choose us. Choose life. Choose mortgage, choose washing machine, choose car, choose to sit on a couch stuffing nasty stuff in your mouth and choose brain-numbing and mood-destroying stupid television shows. Choose to rot in a squat and piss in a nursing home, and be an embarrassment to your selfish and insane children. Choose life. Well, I choose not to choose life. (Pages 193–194)

The song ‘She Lost Control’ by Joy Division had been running around in my head all day. Ian Curtis. Matt. I thought of them as somehow intertwined, but the only thing they had in common was their death wish. (Page 209)

I’ll feel bad in the morning, but like Sick Boy said, mornings take care of themselves. There’s no shame in this world that can’t be overcome with a few beers and some deer. (Page 227)

Trainspotting, Irvine Welsh, Siren publications, 9th Edition July 2020, Translated by Avi Pardo.

Author: Senem Çetin
Translator: Evgheni Batu

