The sixth chapter of the book “Where Russians Go Wrong in Spoken English” by Lynn Visson

2 min readMay 5, 2023


🟢For an American, the solution of a particular task is more important than relationships with people who assist him. Americans take certain deadlines seriously and appreciate promptness.

🟢Russians and other peoples, namely. Mediterranean states, on the contrary, they can behave flexibly, doing several things at the same time. The Russians prioritize friendly and personal relationships.

🟢Americans are pedants in many ways, especially with regard to punctuality.

🟢Americans do not adhere to such a rule as calling before a meeting to clarify the place and time of the upcoming meeting.

🟢A person brought up in the USA has a different mindset: he believes that events control events, not they, that the future can be foreseen and painted. There is even a special expression in America: “Plan ahead”.

🟢Americans are connoisseurs of their time. On this occasion, there is even a proverb “time is money”.

🟢For an American, time is divided into in the morning, roughly speaking, from nine to noon; lunchtime — from noon to two; and in the afternoon — from two to five. The American “evening” lasts from six to ten.

🟢The countdown of the day for Americans begins at midnight. “Am” is the interval after midnight to noon.

🟢For Americans, simplicity and brevity are the essence of intelligence and wit, which manifests itself in them in a variety of circumstances.




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