3 Tips to Connect and Find your Clients on Social Media

Sofia Garcês
2 min readMay 1, 2016


Social Media is a great place to find and connect with your target market. Depending on who your client is you should focus on the network where they hang out, be it facebook, twitter or Instagram. You don’t need to be everywhere, you just need to be where they are.

Here are tree quick tips to connect and find your dream clients on social media:

Monitor the right Terms on Social Media

Keep an eye on the terms and phrases that are relevant for your clients, and that they use daily. These can be based on what:

  • they need?
  • they’re looking for online?
  • themes and topics do they talk about on social?
  • are they interests?

Keywords & Hashtags

What are the keywords and hashtags that are relevant both for your business and your clients? Search for the keywords your competitors and clients are already using and start using them too!

Use popular hashtags in your posts on social media and include descriptive “long tail” keywords in your blog and content. And be specific. For example use: social media marketing for coaches vs. social media marketing.

Personalize your responses

Take time to personalize your responses to your clients and prospects, be it by email, messages or comments. Don’t use pre-made responses and make sure to include details like the clients name and profession or area as well as some specific point relating to the client’s question or request.

That’s it for this week. If you’re looking for support in finding your clients online get in touch. But remember, spots are limited.



Sofia Garcês

I help you find clarity and focus in your online marketing so that you know exactly what to do to reach your goals.