Dreaming of traveling as a way to explore your dreams

Sofia Garcês
2 min readApr 3, 2016


That girl in the picture enjoying the wonders of travel and exploration isn’t me, I Wish!

But that’s where I most long to be! On the road exploring new places, views, people. “The location independent entrepreneur”, hate the phrase love the concept of it. To travel the world and explore, all while working from your laptop.

Whenever I get to travel, even if it’s just getting in the car and taking a day out to explore and travel around the island, I feel my heart filled with Joy. And let me tell you, Joy as much as I desire it, is hard for me. So I cherish these moments of pure freedom and long to create more of them in my life.

I Dream of getting a van and traveling across Europe. I dream of waking up in a different place every day and exploring the world around me. And every day I make choices that will take me in the direction of my most sacred dream. And closer to that reality of traveling the world.

So here’s my question for you today: What’s your most sacred dream?

And are you moving in the direction of your dream?



Sofia Garcês

I help you find clarity and focus in your online marketing so that you know exactly what to do to reach your goals.