Get Paying Clients with Inbound Marketing

Sofia Garcês
3 min readApr 10, 2016


We live in a world where getting someone’s attention, even for a few seconds, is getting harder. One of the most important things that we, as entrepreneurs need to do, is to bring in new clients and leads.
To do this, people first need to find you and your business. So the question becomes how do you bring people to your website. The reply is centered around a new way of doing Marketing: Inbound Marketing

I’ve recently completed a course on inbound marketing by Hubspot and got my Inbound Marketing Certification.

Inbound Marketing Certification

So during the following weeks I will be sharing with what is inbound marketing and how you can use it to get more traffic to your site and more paying clients.

So let’s start with the basics: What is inbound marketing?

Inbound Marketing is a new way to look at Marketing from the client’s perspective. You’ve probably been doing it without realizing it.

Instead of interrupting prospective clients by trying to sell to them you aim to:

  1. Educate them on the problems they struggle with
  2. Inform them on the possible solutions to their problems
  3. Continue to add value by providing them with regular, free, educational content

So where in your business can you use inbound marketing? Well pretty much everywhere!

Here are some key areas for your Inbound Marketing Strategy

I’ll be going over each one of these in detail over the next few weeks.

Use SEO to attract strangers to your site
By creating content that your prospective clients are already looking for and using smart SEO to get found by those people on searches.
Think about what your ideal client needs or wants? How can you clarify the problem they’re facing? What possible solutions exist that you can educate them about?

Using your blog to Educate and Delight your clients
Create content that educates your clients not on your services, but on the problems you focus on and the solutions available to them.

Using Call to Action’s CTA’s to drive conversions
Don’t just let people guess what to do on your site. Make sure they know exactly where to go next.
Using clear CTA’s in the right place can help you turn a visitor into a client.

Creating landing Pages that convert
Make sure that your landing pages are clear both on the value they bring to your audience and the action they need to take next.

Don’t waste your Thank you Page!
A Thank You page is probably the most unused marketing tool ever. Your visitor is already showing interest, don’t waste this opportunity to engage with them further: show them another link they can visit or suggest a next action.

Use email marketing the right way
Take your newsletter to the next level, use segmentation to send the right email to the right person.



Sofia Garcês

I help you find clarity and focus in your online marketing so that you know exactly what to do to reach your goals.