How Many Times Should you Post on Social Media?

Sofia Garcês
3 min readMar 8, 2017


How many times you post on Social Media is an important question if you’re aiming to use Social Media as a way to drive traffic to your website or your business.

The easy answer is Everyday!

But saying that you need to post everyday might not be enough so let’s take it a step forward.

The key for all that I’m about to share with you when it comes to frequency of posts is about consistency, so if you can’t make it consistent it’s better to do less but in a consistent way. Our goal with this frequency of posts is to have an active presence in these channels but also to be visible.

How many times to Post On Social Media a Breakdown:

Facebook — 3 Times a Day

Facebook is a great tool for sharing your blog posts, great images and short and sweet text updates. Posting 3 times a day will give you the opportunity to share a variety of content every day. Don’t be afraid to share older blog posts or content from other blogs that you love, just make sure to add a small description to your post and select great images to keep the engagement up.

Instagram — 3 Times a Day

I Looove, love, LOVE Instagram! Isn’t it just the coolest most fun platform ever? Okay 3 times a day is the goal, share a mixture of designed and real live images and don’t forget your stories and your hashtags! My personal way of doing this is always alternating between a real life and a designed image but there are a million different ways to do this, take a look at your Instagram heroes and see how they’re doing it!

Twitter — 20 Times a Day

I know, I know, you’re freaking out about this number, but don’t! The volume is necessary because twitter is a loud platform with lots of people talking but it doesn’t all need to be new all the time, in fact in twitter you can get away with repeating content. So here’s my trick: I post a mixture of reused and new blog posts, images and links from other blogs and only create content for the other networks that means that if I don’t have anything new for twitter I’ll just reuse the old and it works great.

Pinterest — 10 Pins per day

This on is easy, you’re probably already pinning more than this without realizing. Make an effort to add to the conversation by pinning your blog posts, images you create for other networks and posts you love from other sites.

I do my very best to keep to this schedule but I’m not perfect, so here’s my point: Do your best and be consistent with it! You can get away with posting only one piece of content per day if you make it really good and at the end of the day remember: you don’t have to be everywhere, pick your battles, or in this case your channels.



Sofia Garcês

I help you find clarity and focus in your online marketing so that you know exactly what to do to reach your goals.