How to Create Great Content: A Step by Step Guide to show you the Way

Sofia Garcês
2 min readMar 22, 2017


We used to say “Content is King”, and although that catch phrase has gone out of fashion content is still an important part of your marketing strategy. For that reason, you should always be strategic when creating content for your business.

What to keep in mind when creating content:

Your Audience

Never, ever, forget your audience. They’re the reason why you create content and you should always be crystal clear for who you’re creating that content.

Before creating a new piece of content take a step back and look at who your audience is how you can best serve it.

The Topic

Select a clear and specific topic for your content piece. This is vital for two different reasons: First, because having a specific topic that you’re covering will instantly make it more relevant. And Second, because once you know what you’ll be talking about you’ll know who you’ll be talking about. Is this someone who’s just finding out about you and what you do? Someone looking for ways to fix a specific problem? Or is it someone ready to invest in you and your business?

Knowing what your client is looking for will help you craft content that is just right for this person and where they are right now. And doing this right is what builds loyalty.

Make an Outline

What points will you cover? What are the headlines? Main goals and final conclusion?

Creating a clear roadmap and outline will help you once you actually create the content not just by taking the pain out of the process, but also by keeping you on track with the Topic you selected.

Once you’ve created the content it’s time to promote it and make it work for you. This is super important!

Your content is ready now what?

Promote and Distribute

You’ve created this amazing piece of content now it’s time to promote it. Share it on social media, email it to your list and generally spread it around the globe.

Here’s how I usually do it: I email the blog post out to my list as soon as it’s live and immediately share it on social media. Then I schedule it to go out on social media a week after I publish, two weeks and one month, this makes sure that your content works for you.

Analyse Results

How did your post do? Look at things like visits, leads generated, people subscribed and shares and likes on social. Taking the time to look back on your content and how it did might be a drag but it will help you to continue to improve your work and content.

What is the hardest part of creating content for your business?



Sofia Garcês

I help you find clarity and focus in your online marketing so that you know exactly what to do to reach your goals.