Stop apologising for being picky!

Sofia Garcês
2 min readAug 31, 2016


Don’t apologise for Being picky! Seriously just stop it!

You have every right to be picky about your branding, your website and your marketing!

Your business and brand are your baby and you have every right to want it to be perfect.

So next time you ask, your designer, VA or marketing strategist for a change in anything they’ve created, don’t apologise. And specially don’t apologise for being picky!

So next time you want to ask for a change or adjustment to something someone created for your brand try this:

Don’t apologise for asking for the change. Instead say: “Thank you for making these changes, I really appreciate it.”

The people that work for you and with you might not always get it right the first time around. And that’s okay, after all their not in your head.

But they want their work to be of value to you, and be consistent with your business and brand values.

So stop apologising for wanting things to be just right and start thanking people for making it happen!

If you’re looking for support in making things happen and creating a marketing strategy get in touch today. You can learn all the details and schedule a Free discovery call here.



Sofia Garcês

I help you find clarity and focus in your online marketing so that you know exactly what to do to reach your goals.