Why I thought I’d never get here!

Sofia Garcês
2 min readMay 29, 2016


The Dream of Becoming an Entrepreneur

For the longest time, I have dreamt of being an Entrepreneur. I have dreamed of having my own business and living a life where my days are spent doing something I love or enjoying the outdoors with friends and family.

Before becoming a Marketing Strategist / VA I had dreamed up and invented more business than I care to admit. I did painting, pottery, illustrations, hand lettering, etc.

None of these went anywhere, lack of focus, skill, commitment? Probably a bit of each. I reached a point where I thought I would never escape the 9 to 5 rut. That I would be another one of those sad people that talk about quitting their job up until they retire.

Today I know that won’t be me :)

I love my VA work and just started an amazing journey into the world of marketing strategy and I work daily to support my clients and grow my business. I know that I’ll be able to build a living for myself supporting and connecting with an amazing community of women entrepreneurs that are creating magic in the world.

It has been an exciting and nerve-wracking journey. It’s not always easy and sometimes I don’t know what to do, but it is always a wonderful learning experience. One that is sure to make life interesting!



Sofia Garcês

I help you find clarity and focus in your online marketing so that you know exactly what to do to reach your goals.