Old Money: Understanding the Tradition and Etiquette of Wealth

Sofia Alherani
3 min readJul 17, 2023



In a world where fortunes can be made and lost overnight, there is something intriguing about the concept of “old money.” It refers to families who have inherited wealth and have a long-standing tradition of financial stability and social prominence.

In this article, I explore into the meaning of old money, its characteristics, and offer some tips on navigating this unique world with grace and poise.

Understanding Old Money:

Old money refers to wealth that has been passed down through generations, often rooted in familial inheritance and ancestral fortunes. These families typically possess substantial assets, such as property, businesses, or investments, which have contributed to their financial standing over time.

Characteristics of Old Money:

Tradition and Legacy:

Old money families prioritize preserving and maintaining their wealth for future generations. They often have a strong sense of family history and values, and they place importance on upholding family traditions.

Financial Prudence:

Old money families tend to exhibit conservative financial habits. They prioritize long-term investments, diversify their portfolios, and are cautious about excessive spending or risky ventures.

Education and Cultural Enrichment:

Old money families place great emphasis on education, both formal and cultural. They value knowledge, intellectual pursuits, and appreciate the arts, literature, and history.

Social Graces and Etiquette:

Old money families often exhibit refined manners and etiquette. They understand the importance of proper social conduct, including dining etiquette, conversation skills, and dressing appropriately for various occasions.

Tips for Navigating the World of Old Money:

Respect and Humility:

If you find yourself in the company of old money individuals or families, approach interactions with respect and humility. Avoid flaunting your own wealth or seeking validation based on material possessions.

Educate Yourself:

Expand your knowledge on topics of interest to old money families, such as art, literature, history, and current affairs. Engage in meaningful conversations, demonstrating your intellectual curiosity and willingness to learn.

Dressing Appropriately:

Familiarize yourself with appropriate attire for different social events. Dress modestly, following the dress codes of formal occasions and adapting to the level of formality expected within old money circles.

Networking and Building Connections:

Cultivate genuine relationships with individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those within old money circles. Focus on building connections based on shared values, interests, and respect rather than solely seeking financial gain.

Financial Prudence:

Regardless of your own financial standing, adopting responsible financial habits is essential. Practice saving, invest wisely, and prioritize long-term financial stability.

Valuing Education:

Emphasize the importance of education in your own life and instil a love of learning in your family. Cultivate intellectual curiosity and seek opportunities for personal growth and cultural enrichment.

Philanthropy and Giving Back:

Embrace the tradition of philanthropy by giving back to society. Support causes that align with your values and contribute to making a positive impact on the community.

Old money represents a unique world of wealth, tradition, and social standing.

By understanding its characteristics and adopting appropriate behaviour, you can navigate this environment with grace and respect.

Remember, true wealth lies not only in material possessions but also in knowledge, values, and the ability to make a positive impact on the world around you.



Sofia Alherani

Enter my literary realm, where the arts of healing, self-improvement, meditation, manifestation, food to nature, books to science, psychology & more intertwine