I Made 700 Monetizable YouTube Shorts for Faceless Channel in 18 MINUTES using AI Automation

2 min readJan 25, 2024
I Made 700 Monetizable YouTube Shorts for Faceless Channel in 18 MINUTES using AI Automation

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a monetizable faceless YouTube channel that earns thousands of dollars per month, all with the help of AI automation? In this article, we’ll dive into a game-changing method that uses AI to create YouTube shorts and how you can leverage this technology to build your successful channel.

Body: 1. The Rise of YouTube Shorts:

YouTube shorts have taken the platform by storm, offering a new way to engage viewers with short, snappy videos. Many YouTubers have already jumped on this trend, but we’ll be taking it to the next level by leveraging AI automation.

2. Finding the Right Niche:

While many creators have focused on popular niches like psychology facts, it’s important to find a unique angle to stand out. This article explores the potential of quiz and riddle videos, which have proven to be highly engaging and monetizable.

3. Creating engaging content:

To create riddles for your YouTube shorts, you can rely on AI language models like ChatGPT or Google’s BART to generate unique and challenging riddles. By following a specific format and…




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