Insight About Types of Roofing and Roofing Materials

Sofia Wilson
6 min readMar 27, 2017


A roof is an uppermost covering of a structure or a building which provides protection against the light, weather, animals and even noise. It is one of the most essential parts of building a structure which aids in making it more safe from various malicious substances. The roofing materials must be chosen keeping in mind the prevention against the superficial damages, they must compliment the architecture of the building and must blend with the design. A roof is an element which will revamp the whole structure ranging from the design to its durability. Perishable materials must be circumvented to render an impenetrable roof without any danger associated with it; the material must be of a better quality and finish.

The roof must be flexible enough to accommodate ventilation exhausts, chimneys, water tanks and solar panels for generating electricity, nowadays building roof’s are also accommodating roof gardens which might have environmental besides that the roof gardens may provide with gardening, growing fruits and crops, habitats for domestic animals, recreational and leisure opportunities; so the material used for these roof gardens must be adequate to the requirement.

While designing the architecture of a roof one must consider the various constraints and benefits which can arise like for instance the ceramic tiles if used will aid in obstructing the light and in prohibiting the animals or strangers in the premises of but will also help in ventilation as they are equipped with vents that will help pass the air from them. So every material has its own pros and cons. The architect must consider the measures to be undertaken while constructing a roof.

Types of roofing material

The material of the roof may range from the delicate ones such as banana leaves, thatch or sea grass to more rigid such as ceramic, cement or laminated glass. Predominantly cemented roof and ceramic tiles are used for constructing the roofs all over the world. The roofing material must be durable, rigid and also flexible i.e. if a roof is preventing light it must be providing ventilation, every materials has its merits and demerits.



One can choose different roofing materials ranging from banana leaves to clay tiles. One must consider some factors while constructing a roof such as

● Noise — A roof must be rigid enough to prevent the noise entering the premises. If delicate materials are used then it would be easy for the noise to penetrate.

● Climate — Material must be adaptable to any weather it may come across; during the monsoon season the material must be rigid to not let the water enter the building, one can always install a rainwater harvester at the roof to prevent leakage.

● Budget — The cost used for constructing a roof must be adequate and the material must ensure the desired results,

● Light, UV damage — sunlight can be prevented by installing opaque roof materials so that not even a minimum amount of light can enter the building.

● Theft, Trespassing — There is a high probability of a thief entering premises through the roof, the impenetrable and rigid material must be used to prevent any attack and also the vents must be equipped with alarms and sensors for the intimation of an alien entity.

● Availability — This is an important factor while considering the materials. The materials must be easily available in your locality for avoiding any delay in the construction

There are varieties of factors which are scrutinized before selecting the appropriate material for the roof, only after considering the given factors one will be able to choose the best materials for constructing the roof.

Types of Roofs

Distinctive varieties of roof are constructed after considering the entire factors one must design the best suitable roof for their building or structure, given the availability of the materials. Roofs vary from delicate to more rigid ones each having its own characteristics. Different Types of roofing are as follows

Asphalt Shingles

These roofs are very common and are used predominantly in most of the households because of its durability, rigidity and also being relatively inexpensive. People usually utilize the material because it requires a handy investment on the end of the customer and provides better quality than most of the other materials. This material is available in wide variety of styles and colors, it is very much easy to install and can prevent the UV rays from entering the household, therefore, regulating and controlling the temperature.

Asphalt shingles can last for around 20–30 years depending on the climate of the area; if the area receives more sunlight than it would be difficult for the material to increase its lifespan.

Clay or Ceramic Tiles

Tiles are more expensive than the other materials as it renders more durability and finish to the roof. They are available in a variety of designs and enhance the appearance of the structure simultaneously. They are more rigid and provide a protective layer against the temperature and other factors. Clay tiles are more expensive than the concrete ones as they are manufactured with molded clay which gives it an earthy appearance. Concrete on the other end is a mix of sand and cement with being the more durable one.

Tiles can last for a lifetime if taken care of perpetually; it is non perishable and can last for 100 years.


Slate is also a better option if considering a better roof. Slate is less expensive than a tile but the weight and the installation of the slate material is very difficult and requires a lot of manpower; this renders it more expensive. Slates are made up of sedimentary rocks and can also last up to a lifetime. Slates are also durable in comparison to other options.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is now emerging as a main roofing option; it provides rigidness and makes the roof entirely impenetrable. Metal roofing has variety of options ranging from copper, aluminum or steel. Metal roofing can last for a very long time period because of its durability. It is not so common for the households but is most predominant in industries to prevent the harmful chemicals emitting from the premises.



Wood roofing is most common in the western countries where the climate remains usually moderate. Wood provides a more rustic and natural appeal to your home. The roofing will help in keeping homes more cold because of its energy efficiency and retention. They are better for the environment and thus are more eco-friendly.

Wood roofing is relatively inexpensive than other options and usually lat longer than an asphalt shingles.

These are the most popular Types of roofing material and are predominantly used all throughout the world. It all lies up to the discretion of the buyer to choose the most appropriate option



Sofia Wilson

Single mother and digital marketing Professional from Kansas :)