Things to know before choosing Healthiest High Fiber and Protein Dog food

Sofia Wilson
4 min readDec 11, 2016


Why dog requires fiber foods?

Everyone likes to pet a dog but do you know dogs also need fibrous foods that and proteins. Like each human being dogs also need fiber to be fit and happy. It is their owner’s responsibility to feed their pet dogs with healthiest high fiber food that keeps their dog healthy, fit and fine. Every dog has their own personality and it is our job to understand their food diet and choose the best food for them. By giving fiber food to dogs it helps in the improvement of their colon health, it also keeps the weight of your dog balanced and helps with several sicknesses like diarrhea, constipation, etc.

Listed below some tips that may help you in choosing best fiber food for your dogs

Observing the dietary food need

Each dog has their own diet supplement depending on its age and size. Like a young growing puppy will need more calories and proteins than the older one. So, keeping these factors in mind one should decide a proper protein dog food.

Determining the nutritional needs

For choosing a healthy high fiber food for a dog their nutritional needs are required to be known. One should take care of a caloric needs of their pets. It should also be kept in mind that calories are taken from one type of nutrient only, like just from proteins and carbohydrates.

Checking the label of list of nutrients

Dogs are the kind that eat eat meat, grain, and vegetables. So, when buying proper protein food for a dog one should check the label of the container and search for words like chicken, meat or beef rather than meat meal or beef meal. While buying canned food one should also keep in mind that the primary ingredient you need to provide is not a grain or tuber or vegetables.

Selecting High Protein food for your dog

Protein is an essential part of a dog’s nutrition. When shopping for your canine you should consider the nutrients label that tells about the amount of serving of proteins present in the food. There are a lot of pros and a very less of cons of the protein dog food. The benefits of protein dog foods are:

• Protein-rich foods are mandatory for a healthier growth of puppies. Moreover, they are easy to digest and nutritionally complete. This a fine reason to add protein supplements or protein-rich food in your puppy’s diet. The recommended amount of protein is 25–30% in the food.

• The fat present in high-protein foods helps in the development of a good brain and skin health. High-protein foods are beneficial for the diabetic dogs as it helps in the management of their diabetic conditions.

• Foods are the rich in protein are good for lactating dogs as they provide the lactating dog to replenish energy and produce high-quality milk and is also safe for the puppies who are consuming that milk.

Cons of high-protein food

Though it is strongly recommended by veterinarians to introduce high-protein foods in the meals of the dog, some dogs do not benefit from these proteins. Dogs suffering from the liver disease should not be fed with protein foods.

One of the healthiest high fiber food for a dog is an Orijen Dog Food.

Orijen dog food is considered one of the best high fiber dog because of its great nutrition value and good ingredients food quality. Orijen dog food has an estimated fiber content of 5.6% which is enough for a dog to be healthy in a day. Orijen dog food contains ingredients as chicken meal, boneless chicken, liver, boneless turkey, turkey liver, chicken heart, etc.

The Orijen contains 42% of proteins, the carbohydrate content of 30% and fat level of 20%. Orijen is a grain-free food and is easy to digest for dogs. Orijen is also the best selection for the dogs who suffers from dietary sensitivity or allergy. Orijen also helps in eliminating digestive problems that are common with certain types of foods. It is also considered as best protein food for dogs because of its ingredients that are easily digestible.

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that while buying a dog food, the first thing one should do is to check the label of the food for proteins and nutrients. Healthiest high fiber and protein dog foods are ideal for the perfect development of health of a dog.



Sofia Wilson

Single mother and digital marketing Professional from Kansas :)