Dr. Sofie Nubani
1 min readMay 10, 2019

Happy Thoughts

Happy Weekend

Happy Soul

Happy Mind

Happy Body

All starts from Happy Thoughts ..

Today let’s start The Happy Thought Challenge ..

What You Think so it is ..

Think Big

Think Empowering thoughts

Think Gratitude

Think Kindness

Think Affection

Think Wisdom

Think Travel

Think Different

Think joy

Think Care

Think Possibilities

Think Solutions

Think Action

Think Confidence

Think meditation

Think Relaxation

Think Ease

Think Flow

Think Free

Think Adventure.

Think Discovery

Think Peace

Think Inward

Think Growth

Think Knowledge

Think learning

Thank Zero

Think Blank

Think Creative

Think Positive

Think Humanity

Think Legacy.

Think Service

Think Contribution

Think Allowing

Think Giving

Think Receiving

Think Nature

Think love

Think Connection

Think Community

Think Collaboration

Think Humor

Think Comedy

Think Laughter

Think Laughter Mindset

Think 🤔 🤔🤔

& when you finished thinking of all that go rest your brain and have a NAP HA HA HA

Keep Your. Chin Up and don’t let anyone , ANYONE dull your Sparkle.

#HappyThought #Challange.

Blessings & Namaste

Sofie Nubani

The Queen Of Laughter and Wisdom

