Dr. Sofie Nubani
2 min readJun 22, 2019

Love With No Condition

We hear the word , we share it express it , Preach it but why when life happens those same people , judge , look down ,even abandon situations?

I guess because we are human and sometimes our critical mid takes over our hearts desire , our beliefs , our religious background.. ohhhh Waite But isn’t God love ? Isn’t God Forgiving even to the biggest of sin of one repents truly from the heart 💜 Yes we need discipline, yes we need to be assertive and set boundaries for toxic behaviors and situations , yes their has to be an anchor of wrong doings and justice applied to wrong behavior, yes tough love is important at times for the best outcome.

All done and applied with no judgment, unconditional love will be applied with intention of teaching , with ingredients of grace and mercy .

You see with that results are blessed and outcomes are more successful on the long term .

In the end love always wins , for the awakened soul regardless of the situation including walking away sending love and light will echo back just of that to the sender .

Loving with no condition/ unconditional love is the highest degree of love and one you should challenge yourself everyday to apply as you test the quality of your human soul and genuine heart you are living in and with .

Sending you much love , positive energy and good vibes .

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”

Mother Teresa

#Unconditionallove. #SoulCharger #InnerPeace #SoulWisfom

Blessings & Namaste 🙏🏻

Sofie Nubani

The Queen Of Laughter and Wisdom
