Dr. Sofie Nubani
4 min readFeb 3, 2019

The Wisdom of Darkness & Light

Darkness is the absence of light, yet recognize the value and importance it has for our growth.

When you plant seeds underground, they are being prepared, formulated, created in the dark!

When seeds are planted, they first grow roots. Once these roots take hold, a small plant will begin to emerge and eventually break through the soil. When this happens, we say that the seed has sprouted.

What roots are you growing in the dark?

That could mean when your facing Challenges, Adversity, Self-Sabotage, Self-blame, living in Shame, Blame, Jealousy, Envy and any Disempowering Emotions, Habits or Repeated Toxic Patterns.

When we are conceived in a mother’s womb it is in the dark and, guess what, we are Growing All the Time!

It’s hard to imagine, but in the 38 weeks between conception and a due date, a tiny fertilized egg grows from nearly invisible to somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 inches long and eight pounds!


Growth is essential to our life and is a natural process for better overall health. When facing adversity or your soul demons, never lose your faith ask for your soul tribe to show up, pray, let go of that which does not serve you. Have a leap of faith, be still and let go.

On a soul level define growth and see how you can apply it in your life and connect with your higher self and higher thinkers …through, learning, teaching, contribution, collaboration, receiving & giving. Identify your gifts and share them with the world.

Learn from the wisdom of creation and be positively curious. Question the unknown. Don’t just settle or just follow because you did not take time to learn more. The answers are all around and within. Get them through stillness, meditation, observation or by asking deep questions to answers that you were given, possibly even from your ancestors!

Did you ever ask what is the wisdom of experiencing darkness, why does it even exist?

Why, even our body is made to rest at night, our production of melatonin (a hormone secreted by the pineal gland). In humans it is produced with peak levels at night & plays an important role in the regulation of sleep cycles. Its production is influenced by the detection of light and dark. We sleep better during the time that melatonin is secreted.

Our brain clears out toxins while we are sleeping, production of human growth increases with each sleep cycle (about 90 minutes long), all happening at night when it is dark!!!

We prepare and grow in the dark.

With that being said and in appreciation to the rhythms & Cycles of life. The wisdom of nature, the universe & creation reveals to us: One must not be farsighted to the depth of knowledge and teachings that is there in front of us.

There for the quality or condition of being in the duality (of darkness and light) is a very important observation and reflection to visit when we are faced with challenges or feel we are living in the dark side of life.

Reminding ourselves, in a dark night to look for the shining stars and if it a very dark night and you can’t even see the stars… ✨

…know that amongst the longest darkest night the sun still shall rise.

That is with your awareness or by default of how our universe was created.

That infinite intelligence, God, Universal Wisdom all as powerful on the external is inside and within YOU.

That same system that allows your heart to beat without your participation, that allows clouds to produce rain and solve a drought, yet, that same rain can be a challenge that produces flooding and mudslides.

Is the same system that you might spend a lifetime still trying to figure out!!

So, why not surrender and allow all your worries, anxieties, fear all dissolve and transmute into the light. STEP COURAGEOUSLY into your circle of excellence, TAP into YOUR POWER, charge it with all the life force you have.

Connect to the power of infinite intelligence. Raise your conscious awareness. Take the lessons you learned from your dark side as stepping stones leading you to your best self.

If you are living in the dark side now, understand what it is that you’re meant to learn and being prepared for. Give yourself permission to leave, forgive, love and glow.

Press the button and get on your soul space ship. Transcend higher and see the bigger picture, the bigger vision, the bigger you the empowered you, the clear headed you, the determine you, the focused you, the confidant you…


Vibrate higher, shine your bright light and step into a world of possibilities… A world that is waiting for you to make a difference and have a massive impact.

Wake up and make it a joyful journey & a meaningful life, one lived on purpose blessed & changed many people’s lives!

You know why?

You know how?

It’s because YOU, Me and All of Us decided to take action one day, now!!!

The time is NOW!

Blessings & Namaste 🙏🏻

Sofie Nubani

“The Queen of Laughter and Wisdom™ “

Quote by:

“The Transformational Grandmaster™ “

Dr.Bob Choat