Sofiya Yuvshanova
4 min readMay 1, 2018

Saying “No” to tobacco in Turkmenistan!

UN Building in Turkmenistan is Tobacco free

Turkmenistan is one of the first countries, that adopted Agenda 2030 ad it’s 17 SDGs. The sustainable development goals serving for the advancement of the social, economic and environmental merits are interrelated; accordingly, tobacco control stands out as a crucial step in achieving those goals. In this regard, Turkmenistan included strengthened tobacco control as one of the development targets.

Based on WHO EURO in Turkmenistan Mortality rate from cardio-vascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus and chronical respiratory diseases (NCDs) in 2010 was 650 per 100,000. Tobacco use is one of the risk factors for this number. Understanding the challenges, the Government of Turkmenistan signed the WHO Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) and started the advocacy activities in this area. Among the major steps were:

1) Development of national plan of action on tobacco control for 2012–2016.

2) In 2013 a “Law on the protection of public health from exposure to ambient tobacco smoke and the effects of tobacco consumption» was signed, as well as the Ashgabat Declaration on Tobacco control was adopted

3) In 2014 a Presidential decree was signed on «Action plan for tobacco control».

“Within the framework of the Ashgabat Declaration adopted during the 2013 WHO Ministerial Conference on Non-Communicable Diseases, the Government of Turkmenistan has put forth an ambitious objective to become an accelerated force in achieving a tobacco-free European Region. The Government has committed 3 million US Dollars to facilitate the regional cooperation to address this issue.” highlighted H.E. Mr. Nurmuhammet Amannepesov, the Minister of Health and Medical Industry.

As a result of these measures Turkmenistan became one of the three countries (following Austria and Spain) that became first in ratification of the Protocol on the Elimination of Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, the first protocol to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. “Tobacco — a threat to development”, the theme of the Agenda 2030 for the No Tobacco Day 2017 that reflects the essence of the consequences tobacco usage leads.

Besides the restrictions and legislative regulations on tobacco control, Turkmenistan pays a high attention to the preventive and advocacy measures to those, who need it. With the support of the UN, the government developed the National guideline of the Tobacco cessation and treatment of tobacco addiction; similarly, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan approved and registered the nicotine replacement therapy in the line with the anti-tobacco law. Additionally, the government is preparing the new methods and systems of the tobacco products taxation. Thus, a person who smokes must decide for himself to quit or continue to smoke. All conditions for the treatment of tobacco dependence have been created in the country. Among them are the centers of “Trust” in Ashgabat and velayats (regions), where anyone can get a free consultation of a specialist. There is also a “hot” telephone line for anonymous counseling on cancelling of tobacco dependence.

All these enormous efforts yielded results and according to the WHO STEPS survey, conducted in 2015 only 8,3% of Turkmenistan population smokes. This is the lowest rate of smokers in the region as well as globally. In addition, this is an enormous contribution to the SDG 3, Target 3.a “Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries, as appropriate”.

In April 2017, the Government adopted the new National Programme and Plan of Action on the realization of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control for 2017–2021, aiming to reduce tobacco use among the adult population to the lowest 5% or less by 2025. Developed with the technical support of WHO, the National Programme and Plan of Action for 2017–2021 are comprehensive, innovative and multi-sectoral roadmap to streamline important international obligations of the country to enhance wellbeing of the population and youth in particular. These efforts are most welcome by the international community, as they will eventually lead to decrease the burden of non-communicable diseases.

Tobacco use is the issue that touches many aspects of people’s lives, thus being the focal point for the economic, social, gender and political discourses. Only with the help of collective realization of the risks and global collaboration, we can prevail and become liberated from this threat.



3. Government of Turkmenistan and United Nations Partnership Framework for Development 2016–2020 Progress Report 2016–2017

4. Let’s Say NO to Tobacco Together!