8 essential link building techniques for a growing business

Aarti Pandey
6 min readMar 18, 2020


Link building is an excellent method if you want to increase your site’s visibility in the search engines. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in; link building works everywhere. If you have useful links complemented to your website, then the visibility of your website automatically increase. Given that, you are generating good traffic already and on the rankings of search engines. With link building, you can have a loyal fan base as now; they will start trusting you more. Because, not only you provide them quality and informational content, you are giving them a source to read more and to know more.

Just imagine, how good your site would rank if you provide your target audience with the information of what they want and a link to how they can get it. For example, you have a recipe website. There you tell a variety of recipes and the most recent one relates to something for which an oven requires.

Now, what you can do is, get a backlink of some online site that deals in providing kitchen appliances. By this, the audience that your website entertains can analyze, and their demand for oven will increase. As this is human nature, the curiosity to get something increases when you don’t have it. With this, you are not only improving your website’s visibility but also developing a relationship with the owner who provided you with a backlink.

So, how to get backlinks?

Ultimate link building technique for your website

The after process is excellent that some link is attached to your website, and it is benefiting you both. But how do you get them? What makes someone give you a backlink? For this, there are just three things for you to keep in mind.

· Reach them

· Show your work

· Please give them a reason

From whomever, you want to get a backlink; firstly you need to reach them. The need is yours, so you should take the first step. Now, you cannot just contact anyone and ask them for a backlink. You shall do thorough research of what websites are complementing your niche. After such analysis, you shall reach to the website owner to get a backlink. Show them what you do and tell them how passionate you are about what you do and how you do it. Also, give them a reason as to why would they give you a backlink for free? Therefore, you should tell them how it will benefit them.

Link building techniques to focus on

A website without links backing it is not a top-quality website and won’t generate you your dream traffic. Link building in SEO is a necessary task that one has to do. You can also take advantage of our best SEO services in Faridabad. If your website is new, well, then, you require some serious links to back it up. But, can a new website build links as a trustworthy and experienced website can? It depends.

So, whether your website is new or old, and whatever amount of traffic it generates. Consider the below-mentioned link building strategies:

1) Seek for relevant sites

It doesn’t matter if your website is old or new. If you are offering original and relevant information in it, then there is no harm in reaching out quality websites. Just like we told above, you shall outreach a person whose website is relevant to yours. Ask them for a backlink by providing them with an advantageous reason so that they can trust you.

Outreaching is the best link building strategy one can use to make them and their website popular among the audience. With a quality link, you can attract more and more customers and build a long-lasting relationship with them.

2) Guest blogging

This is another excellent strategy for link building. You can provide your services to another website that is relevant to your site. Whenever they publish your blog/article, they will, of course, mention you. Thus, your reputation in the data-driven marketing increases. As, not only a quality site publishes your article and give you all the credits, but also you get a backlink for your website.

One thing to keep in mind is don’t just give away your services for free. Otherwise, you are presenting yourself as a vulnerable person. This can make your website lose a link in less time than expected.

3) Social media activation

Social media is an excellent way to increase the traffic on your website and your creditworthiness. If you are consistent in providing quality content on social media, then you are steadily reaching the path of popularity. Several nano-influences have gained a significant amount of traffic to their new website as they already had a fan-base, even before creating a website.

Constant activation on social media shows how serious you are and increases your visibility. You need to keep track of those who are providing the same service as yours, in short, your substitutes. Connect with the bloggers; engage them with your work. You’ll surely build a link with them.

4) Infographics creation

If your website has good infographics then you are already on the heights of getting an increased traffic. Infographics are the most important after a quality and unique content.

To create a worthwhile picture, you should focus on the things like,

· Its relevancy to the content.

· Colour- scheme of your picture (generally, three colours are enough)

· Express with charts and infographics

· Don’t write too much in the picture.

· Don’t use more than two fonts.

5) Broken link technique

This is such a helpful link building technique, as it doesn’t only helps you but also of the person of whom you are getting a backlink.

What are broken links?

This is a way of finding relevant sites to your niche and analyzing their backlinks. In those backlinks, there are some dead links that are not contributing to their site. You can inform the owner about such dead links and offer them your link instead.

This strategy will increase your credibility and let other blog owners trust you with their link.

6) Use of question-based sites

With question-based sites, you can increase the credibility of your website. As nothing can be more relevant than giving the answers to the questions, the audience is asking.

Websites like Wikianswers, Quora, and ask me help desk can give you the visibility you want. As here, people ask general and many kinds of questions. You can answer the questions that are related to your niche.

By this, your credibility increases, and if you mention there that you have a site where you are providing similar information. Such an act makes your audience think, why ask on websites like these when they can directly reach your site and get all the answers.

7) Commenting on quality blogs

This is a unique yet straightforward link building technique that allows you to build your reputation and increase the traffic of your website. For this, find some quality blogs that are related to your niche and start commenting on them. Keep in mind the need and relevancy of your comment.

By this, you can build great relationships with the owners of those blogs and get yourself some quality backlinks.

Make sure your comment is accurate and complements their blog.

8) Keep track of existing blogs

If your website is old and you already have some links. Then, you better check those links and see if they are working or not. You do not want to harm the existing traffic on your website by giving dead links and sources.

Make sure your links are up to date and relevant to your website.

Link building is an important task to grow your website. Contact us and take benefit of our best digital marketing services in Faridabad. We can help you in getting quality links for your website so that you can enjoy a growing and trustworthy brand.



Aarti Pandey

Digital marketing services in Faridabad, India Softhics Digital offers services like SEO, SMO, PPC, ORM, design/development. https://softhics.com