Old Geek Jobs: fighting against ageism in the industry

Software Dev Group
Conversations of Software Developers
1 min readSep 15, 2016

Check out https://oldgeekjobs.com/ if you’re over 30.

In the software development industry it’s hard to get hired when you get past 35 and are still “just a developer”. Employers look down on you because you’re too smart, or they think you’re too stupid because you never wanted to be a manager. Employers will use the excuse of “culture fit” to exclude you and get you out of the hiring pool. You’re too smart to be tricked into working 60 hours a week for zero equity and zero bonuses. You’re too smart to be working on a legacy code base that has low quality and will hurt your future career prospects. Employers know that which is why they love to hire fresh faces out of school and under 30s; give tech companies your young and naive to burn them out and make them piles of cash. You’re experienced enough to avoid that demoralizing burning out.

Check out https://oldgeekjobs.com/ because there may just be a job for you, a place where you won’t be discriminated against just because you’re getting older and wiser.

Originally published at Software Dev Group.



Software Dev Group
Conversations of Software Developers

Software developer organization to improve the state of the industry especially with respect to jobs and professionalization.