Transform Your Home Theater Into an Art Gallery With Artcast

software Hub
3 min readApr 22, 2019


We invest hours watching shows and films on our TVs, yet why agree to a revolting dark screen when your TV is Off? Rather than killing your TV, abandon it on and use it to show great fine art and that’s just the beginning.

1. Prologue to Artcast

Artcast is a spilling administration accessible on Roku Boxes/Streaming Sticks, Apple TV, and Google Play Smart TV stages. Additionally, there is select Artcast content accessible to Netflix endorsers (subtleties plot later in this article). Must visit for more information of antivirus.

There are two adaptations: Lite (free) and Premium (requires a paid membership — subtleties toward the finish of this article).

Artcast Lite highlights around 160 Galleries, while the paid-variant highlights 400 displays, and an aggregate of 20,000 works of art, photographs, and recordings. New Galleries are included week by week.

One extraordinary component of Artcast (both Lite and Paid forms) is that every one of the displays are auto-circled, in this way, once began, you don’t need to return later and restart playback. In any case, on the off chance that you choose to choose another exhibition to show, on the free form, you need to trust that another arrangement of plugs will play.

Every photograph or painting shows for 60 seconds. The Apple TV adaptation enables you to include ambient melodies.

It is essential to call attention to the reason that Artcast Lite is free is on the grounds that when you select an exhibition to play, before it plays, you have hang tight for a progression of “television plugs” to play — which can number somewhere in the range of 4 to 6.

Exhibition classifications for Artcast Lite include:


Traditional Art

Contemporary Art

Nature and Scenic

Travel and Culture

Chill and Lounge


The quantity of exhibitions incorporated into every class differs.

2. Hands-On With Artcast

Utilizing a Roku Streaming Stick to look at Artcast Lite, the artistic creations and still photos looked amazing on a Samsung UN40KU6300 4K UHD TV. The model appeared in the above photograph is Vincent Van Gogh’s “Angling In Spring”.

The picture is provided in 1080p goals (if your web speed bolsters it), yet the Samsung TV performed 4K video upscaling. As such, the pictures you see on the TV in this article are 1080p source pictures upscaled to 4K.

In any case, one of the imperative things to bring up is that on Artcast Lite, when playing back video exhibitions — the video is powerless to macroblocking/pixelation issues. Then again, the photographs and depictions look extraordinary!

Every exhibition is around 40-to-50 minutes in length. For still picture exhibitions, each sketch or photograph shows on the screen for around 60 seconds before proceeding onward to the following picture. Likewise, utilizing the Roku’s remote control, you can quick advance or invert to any purpose of on every exhibition.

Also, in the event that you leave and simply let your picked Painting or Photo display run, it will auto-circle (video exhibitions don’t auto-circle in Artcast Lite).

As indicated by Artcast, quite a bit of their picture library is in 4K. Nonetheless, just up to 1080p goals by means of spilling is given starting at 2016, however 4K is in progress.

Likewise, with the exception of a portion of the video displays, there is no mood melodies soundtrack given. Nonetheless, Apple TV boxes enable clients to consolidate music from their iTunes library with the showcase of painting and photos. Music choices for different stages are approaching.

3. Artcast: Photo Display Example

Appeared in this page is a case of a photograph showed through Artcast.

Artcast incorporates travel, natural life, and even vintage B&W photographs in its exhibition library too.

The specific photograph appeared above is one in their gathering of Thailand travel photographs.

