Abdul Hamid Md. Sofullah
3 min readApr 14, 2022


Apple Company

Since its unassuming beginnings as a PC organization beating hand fabricated machines brought about by an unemployed school dropout, the Apple realm has absolutely overcome much. Today, Apple Inc has very nearly 50,000, representatives and revealed a $14 billion benefit in 2010, becoming one of the most significant PC innovation organizations on the planet. Also, it has turned into a novel brand peculiarity with Apple items being grabbed up the whole way across the world — and buyers are as yet clamoring for additional.

>>Apple Pencil (2nd Generation)>>

From the main Apple I to the iPhone 4 — here’s a glance back at some of NYC wins and a couple of its disappointments as the years progressed.

1976 — Apple was first established on 1 April 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Wayne accordingly sold his portion of the organization back to his accomplices for $800. The primary contribution by the organization was a hand fabricated Apple I PC retailing for $666.66.

1977 — The Apple II was presented. Flaunting variety designs, open engineering and a floppy plate drive interface, the Apple II was situated well in front of its rivals and consequently turned into the PC of decision for the business world with the VisiCalc bookkeeping sheet program.

1983 — The Apple Lisa was sent off, the first to highlight a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

>>Apple Pencil (2nd Generation)>>

1984 — Apple dispatches the Macintosh with its strong TV advertisement coordinated by Ridley Scott. The Mac was a triumph because of its high level graphical capacities — ideal for work area distributing.

1985 — Co-originator Steve Jobs leaves Apple and proceeds to foster another PC organization, NeXT Inc.

1989–1991 — Macs go convenient with the Macintosh Portable and the PowerBook, which set the ground for the format and ergonomic plan for most future PCs and PCs.

1986–1993 — During this time, Apple delivers a couple of item flounders including a computerized camera, convenient CD players and video consoles. The Newton was Apple’s introduction to versatile handheld registering gadgets yet in addition had restricted achievement.

1996 — Apple buys NeXT, bringing Steve Jobs once again into Apple as a counsel. He ultimately turned into the between time CEO until 2000 when he formally ventured into the job forever.

1998 — The iMac, with its high level advanced video altering abilities, would turn into the take off platform for Apple’s re-visitation of being a PC industry pioneer.

2001 — Apple presents the original iPod which would upset the advanced music industry and become gigantically effective with very nearly 300 million iPod units in its different structures and ages sold since its introduction.

2003 — To circle back to the iPod’s prosperity, Apple dispatches its iTunes store.

2005 — Apple delivers its famous line of Intel fueled PCs with the presentation of the well known MacBook, MacBook Pro and iMac. These would ultimately come to supplant its past models of the PowerBook, iBook and Power Mac. Today, the Intel controlled models have been refreshed and yet again delivered and keep on being the absolute most famous PC models sold today.

2007 — The principal Apple iPhone is sent off reforming advanced cell innovation and versatile figuring. The App Store permitted outsider engineers to make and appropriate iPhone viable applications, including the absolute most well known games today, similar to Words with Friends and Angry Birds.

2010 — Continuing to burst new ways, Apple presents the iPad tablet PC that worked with all iPhone applications. The iPad has previously sold just about 15 million units in its first year and purchasers are now hoping to purchase or lease an iPad 2.

Today, Apple fans are sitting tight for additional reports on their number one items with the iPhone 5 and the iPad 2 expected to make a big appearance in 2011.

Those hoping to keep awake to date with their #1 Apple contraptions might hope to lease a MacBook or iMac PC for a short rent term, giving them the adaptability to overhaul sometime in the not too distant future.

