What does the new Sora AI mean for VFX artists?

Bosun Sogeke
14 min readFeb 17, 2024

The dawn of Sora AI is like a meteor shower in the clear night sky of the visual effects (VFX) industry, bringing both awe and anticipation.

For VFX artists, who are the magicians behind the stunning visuals in movies, games, and advertisements, Sora AI is not just another tool; it’s a game-changer.

Imagine having a creative partner that doesn’t sleep, doesn’t tire, and is constantly learning. That’s Sora AI for you. It’s designed to understand the nuanced demands of VFX production, from the initial conceptual sketches to the final touches that bring a scene to life.

With Sora AI, VFX artists can dive deeper into their creative oceans, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible without getting bogged down by the technical minutiae.

Sora AI is like a new member of the VFX team, one that speaks the language of creativity and technology fluently. It’s here to take on the heavy lifting, allowing artists to focus more on the artistry and less on the repetitive tasks.

Whether it’s rendering complex scenes at breakneck speeds, generating lifelike textures, or automating routine aspects of VFX production, Sora AI is set to redefine the workflow, efficiency, and capabilities of VFX artists.

In essence, Sora AI is not just a tool; it’s a…



Bosun Sogeke

Business, Technology, Investment, Self Improvement and life's odd dramas. https://bit.ly/4dsAI6M