Gradient descent

Soham Shirsat
5 min readNov 27, 2023



In the ever-evolving landscape of machine learning and artificial intelligence, optimization algorithms play a pivotal role in fine-tuning models to achieve peak performance. One such cornerstone algorithm is “Gradient Descent.” As we embark on this journey, let’s unravel the layers of complexity surrounding gradient descent, understanding its origin, purpose, and significance in the realm of optimization.


To comprehend the essence of gradient descent, we must first delve into the basics of deep learning. At its core, machine learning\deep learning involves training models to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. This process requires adjusting model parameters to minimize the difference between predicted and actual outcomes. Enter gradient descent — a fundamental optimization algorithm that propels deep learning models towards optimal performance.

Problem Statement

The optimization challenge in deep learning boils down to finding the optimal set of parameters that minimizes a cost function. This task becomes progressively intricate as the dimensionality of the model and dataset increases. Traditional methods often fall short when faced with high-dimensional spaces, paving the way for more sophisticated techniques. This is where gradient descent steps in, offering a versatile solution to navigate the vast parameter space efficiently.

Technical explanation

What is Gradient Descent?

Gradient descent is an iterative optimization algorithm used to minimize a cost function by adjusting the model parameters. It operates on the principle of derivatives and the gradient, which points in the direction of the steepest ascent of the function. The algorithm takes measured steps in the opposite direction, gradually approaching the minimum.

Types of Gradient Descent

Batch Gradient Descent: It processes the entire training dataset to compute the gradient of the cost function. This method is robust but can be computationally expensive for large datasets.

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD): In contrast, SGD computes the gradient and updates parameters for each training example. It is computationally less demanding but introduces more variability in parameter updates.

Mini-batch Gradient Descent: A compromise between batch and stochastic, mini-batch gradient descent processes a subset of the dataset at each iteration. This strikes a balance between efficiency and accuracy.

Learning Rate and Convergence

The learning rate is a crucial hyperparameter in gradient descent, determining the size of steps taken during optimization. Choosing an appropriate learning rate is crucial; too large a step may cause overshooting, while too small may result in slow convergence.

3D Representation

Case Study 1

Let’s explore a real-world case study where gradient descent played a pivotal role in optimizing a deep neural network for image recognition. The dataset comprised thousands of images, each requiring intricate parameter tuning for the model to accurately classify objects.

The iterative nature of gradient descent allowed the model to learn from its mistakes, continuously adjusting weights and biases to minimize classification errors. Through this process, the model gradually honed its ability to recognize patterns in images, showcasing the effectiveness of gradient descent in navigating complex optimization landscapes.

In conclusion, gradient descent stands as a cornerstone in the edifice of machine learning optimization. Its adaptability, efficiency, and ability to navigate high-dimensional spaces make it a go-to algorithm for fine-tuning models across diverse domains. As we continue to push the boundaries of artificial intelligence, understanding and harnessing the power of gradient descent will undoubtedly remain a key factor in achieving optimal model performance

Case Study 2

Lets understand the gradient descent with a simple real-life case study. Assume a real estate company needs a mathematical model to predict the price of the houses with respect to their area, for simplicity purposes the effect of other features like location of the house in the city, year of construction, number of rooms, and number of floors is not considered.

Gradient descent results in slow learning (reaching optimum slower), but no stuck in or going in a wrong direction, while straight forward method leads to reaching the optimum faster but with a possibility of getting stuck in local minimums or going towards wrong directions.

In conclusion, gradient descent is one of the efficient algorithms that can be used in finding variant optimum values of the modeling equations. Normalization process will speed up the repetitive steps of reaching the optimum solution, the resultant modeling equation needs to be denormalized at the end of the process to represent the real life problems directly.


  • Gradient descent is an efficient algorithm that can handle large datasets and high-dimensional parameter spaces.
  • Gradient descent can be used with a variety of loss functions and machine learning models, including linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks and deep learning.
  • Gradient descent updates the model parameters incrementally, which means it can converge to the optimal solution faster than other optimization algorithms.
  • Gradient descent can be easily parallelized, allowing for faster optimization on multiple processors.

Challenges / Limitations

  • Gradient descent can be sensitive to the choice of learning rate, which determines the size of the step taken in each iteration. A learning rate that is too small can result in slow convergence, while a learning rate that is too large can cause the algorithm to overshoot the minimum and diverge.
  • Gradient descent can converge to local minima rather than the global minimum, especially in non-convex optimization problems.
  • While gradient descent is efficient for large datasets, it can still be computationally expensive for very large datasets or high-dimensional parameter spaces.

Future Trends

The traditional batch gradient descent algorithm often grapples with various challenges, particularly in the context of large datasets. These challenges encompass high computational complexity and sluggish convergence rates, posing significant hurdles for efficient model training. To address these limitations, researchers have introduced numerous variants and enhancements to the gradient descent algorithm like adam and sample gradient descent.


While scientists use gradient descent to find the values of a function’s parameters to minimize function costs, programmers use gradient descent as an optimization algorithm when training machine learning models. Gradient descent is probably the most recognized optimization strategy used in deep learning and machine learning. Data scientists often use it when there is a chance to combine each algorithm with learning models. Understanding the gradient descent algorithm is relatively simple, and implementing it is even simpler.

