Streaming AWS CloudWatch Logs to your own ELK logging solution

Sohit kumar
3 min readJul 7, 2018


If you run your infrastructure on AWS , and you want to monitor , visualize aggregate your CloudWatch logs , either you can stream it to AWS ElasticSearch + Kibana solution or you can stream your own logging solution (ELK here).

Whenever logs get published to CloudWatch , you can subscribe to log group event and stream logs to lambda .From lambda you can stream the data to your own logging solution.In this case we are pushing it to ELK. We will be pushing data to ElasticSearch using logstash and monitor it on Kibana.

You can subscribe to log group event on cloud watch by selecting log group and clicking on Action ->Stream to AWS Lambda and select the lambda which will stream data to your logging solution.Here we will be pushing it to logstash.

Source :`

You lambda code should look something like this ,you can change it if you want to add some metadata.

Host is the ip address of machine where logstash is running and port is where logstash is listening for tcp connection

import base64
import gzip
import json
import logging
import os

logger = logging.getLogger()
HOST = os.getenv('LOGSTASH_HOST')
PORT = os.getenv('LOGSTASH_PORT')

import socket

#if you want to add some metadata
metadata = {}

def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Check prerequisites

# Attach Logstash TCP Socket

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

s.connect((HOST, PORT))

# Add the context to meta
metadata["aws"] = {}
metadata["aws"]["function_name"] = context.function_name
metadata["aws"]["function_version"] = context.function_version
metadata["aws"]["invoked_function_arn"] = context.invoked_function_arn
metadata["aws"]["memory_limit_in_mb"] = context.memory_limit_in_mb

logs = awslogs_handler(s, event)

for log in logs:
send_entry(s, log)

except Exception as e:
# Logs through the socket the error
err_message = 'Error parsing the object. Exception: {}'.format(str(e))
send_entry(s, err_message)
raise e

# Handle CloudWatch events and logs
def awslogs_handler(s, event):
# Get logs
data = gzip.decompress(base64.b64decode(event["awslogs"]["data"]))
logs = json.loads(data)

structured_logs = []

# Send lines to Logstash
for log in logs["logEvents"]:
# Create structured object and send it
structured_line = merge_dicts(log, {
"aws": {
"awslogs": {
"logGroup": logs["logGroup"],
"logStream": logs["logStream"],
"owner": logs["owner"]

return structured_logs

def send_entry(s, log_entry):
# The log_entry can only be a string or a dict
if isinstance(log_entry, str):
log_entry = {"message": log_entry}
elif not isinstance(log_entry, dict):
raise Exception(
"Cannot send the entry as it must be either a string or a dict. Provided entry: " + str(log_entry))

# Merge with metadata
log_entry = merge_dicts(log_entry, metadata)

# Send to Logstash
str_entry = json.dumps(log_entry)
result = s.send((str_entry + "\n").encode("UTF-8"))
# result = s.send(log_entry)

def merge_dicts(a, b, path=None):
if path is None: path = []
for key in b:
if key in a:
if isinstance(a[key], dict) and isinstance(b[key], dict):
merge_dicts(a[key], b[key], path + [str(key)])
elif a[key] == b[key]:
pass # same leaf value
raise Exception(
'Conflict while merging metadatas and the log entry at %s' % '.'.join(path + [str(key)]))
a[key] = b[key]
return a

Sample config for logstash to listen for tcp connection and json format .

Thats it we are done .Now all the logs pushed to CloudWatch will get streamed to your ELK and you can monitor it on Kibana .

Now you can use FunctionBeat as well to achieve the same. You can read about how we set up ELK cluster for logging, alerting and monitoring need here.

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Sohit kumar

Swiss Knife, solves problems, building tech platforms. Follow me for intresting tech articles.