Ceuta and Melilla: Europe’s last colonies in Morocco, Africa

Sokaina Zouak
2 min readMay 25, 2021


Today, many of us feel disheartened to come to the realization that George Floyd was murdered by a police officer on this day, one year ago, in Minnesota, USA.

Unfortunately, police brutality against Black people is not only an American problem but also a palpable European one.

What’s going on?

  • Spain has colonized and occupied Moroccan cities Ceuta and Melilla for hundreds of years in the Moroccan mainland.
  • Tensions rose after the Spanish and Algerian government secretly admitted Brahim Ghali, a wanted war criminal into Spain for treatment under a false identity on April 23rd, 2021.

Who is Brahim Ghali?

Brahim Ghali, a war criminal accused of several murders, kidnapping, and rapes, is also the leader of the Polisario Front.

  • Spanish government forces Moroccan authorities to work as their guard dog 24/7 on the Spanish colony’s borders between Morocco and Spain;

In efforts to keep Moroccans from returning to our cities Melilla and Ceuta, these cities are what are now Europe’s last colonies.

  • When Moroccan authorities did not block the border, thousands of Africans, many of which were unaccompanied children, fled to these cities.

Spanish authorities in turn suppressed and beat up several Africans including children with BATONS and forced many of them back to Morocco.

Why is this Event Newsworthy?

This event is newsworthy because millions of Africans’ rights continue to be violated to this day due to Spain’s current colonization of African land that belongs to Morocco, Africa.

In short, Black Lives Matter, I urge everyone to support our rights in all facets of the globe.

Even if atrocities committed against us are not highlighted in the news our lives still matter and will always matter!

Stand in solidarity for Ceuta and Melilla against the 21th Century European colonization in Morocco, Africa

Sources: Al Jazeera, Reuters, Daily Sabah.

