A.I Presents: “Mass Layoff Letter Template for CEOs”

Thomas, the Engineer
3 min readJun 16, 2023


Dear Team,

I am writing to you today in hopes of being both transparent and compassionate about some impending changes within our organization. While I understand and respect the myriad of perspectives within our team, I believe it is my responsibility to explain the reasons behind these decisions.

Our primary objective has always been to create a successful and sustainable business, providing valuable services or products to our clients and offering rewarding careers to our employees. We have worked hard over the years to build a company that, I hope, you have been proud to work for.

With the ever-changing dynamics of the business world, it is incumbent upon us to adapt and evolve to secure our company’s future. Recently, economic conditions and market forces have dictated that we re-evaluate our operational strategies. We have had to make some difficult decisions, and I understand the impact they have on our team.

While the notion of increasing wages for our employees may seem like an immediate and straightforward solution to improve morale and well-being, it is unfortunately not that simple. It is important to remember that any increase in wages translates to an increase in operational costs. While this may not seem substantial in isolation, if implemented across the board, it can have serious implications for the company’s financial health.

In order to continue operating, remain competitive, and avoid bankruptcy, it is essential that we control these costs. If our business isn’t financially sound, it could lead to more significant job losses in the future, or worse, the failure of the entire company. We must protect the longevity of the business, not only for those employed here today but also for those who will join us in the future.

Our need to streamline our workforce is a tough but essential decision we have had to make. It is not a step we have taken lightly. However, if we are to safeguard the company’s future, we must improve our operational efficiency and competitiveness.

The repercussions of this decision will be felt not just within our company, but they also contribute to a broader economic perspective. By taking these actions, we contribute to maintaining a competitive market, encouraging innovation, and potentially creating more jobs in the long term.

In a healthy economy, companies must adapt and evolve, sometimes making difficult decisions, for the broader market to thrive. In a thriving market, new businesses can emerge, existing ones can grow, and new job opportunities can be created, thereby stimulating economic growth.

I understand that these explanations may not ease the pain for those who are directly affected by these decisions. It is heart-wrenching, and it is a responsibility I carry heavily. We are committed to providing those leaving us with all the support and assistance we can to help them transition into new opportunities.

Please know that this decision has been taken in the best interest of the company’s longevity and its ability to continue to contribute to the economy at large. We remain dedicated to our mission and will strive to do what is necessary to ensure we weather these challenges and continue to provide value to our clients, employees, and stakeholders.

Thank you for your understanding and resilience during these challenging times.


[Your Name] [Your Position]

Written by Chat-GPT 4, Prompted by Thomas, the Engineer.

