
SOL Decoder
4 min readJun 22, 2022


Introducing Seamless.

Tools are commonplace in convenience, and how they can be of help is essential. Well, Seamless is essential. After the seeing the pains of getting whitelisted as a trader, and managing whitelists for a new mint, it became clear that this all needs massive improvement. How will this be possible?

Seamless is a system to make allocating WL to DAOs seamless and accurate and easy. Seamless is live now in beta testing, and has been used to grant members of SOL Decoder and other DAOs whitelists to upcoming mints, and users get whitelisted with only a small amount of clicks.

Join their Discord, follow their Twitter, click the button. Whitelisted!

With Seamless:

  • A new mint can register and instantly collab with over 80+ DAOs who are already using SOL Decoder bots (a number which should grow exponentially over time). Final pricing will be revealed over time — but for now we just ask for some of your whitelist.
  • An existing DAO can sign up on our website (verify ownership of the DAO, post social links, and upload an image / description of the DAO). Then they just wait for collab requests!

Gone is the convoluted process of sending screenshots proving DAO membership and twitter follower-ship. Gone are the photoshoppers, faking DAO membership or faking the winning of a giveaway

Users need to rush into a channel to upload screenshots of both their DAO role and following twitter. Mods need to manually count each winner up until the max for that DAO, and manually assign them roles. And especially for hyped mints — some of these screenshots are easily faked and is extremely laborious to try and determine who is legitimate or not.

With Seamless — we automatically verify your DAO membership, we automatically verify you are following their Twitter, and we automatically whitelist you.

Your typical DAO screenshot — laborious and sometimes fake!

Gone is the laborious process of copy/pasting winners from giveaways

Huge amounts of time are spent by mods (on both existing DAOs and new NFTs) to handle winners of giveaways. Existing DAOs need to copy in the user’s ID to hand over winners, otherwise people get tagged wrong. New NFTs need to manually tag everyone on the list — and half the time people haven’t joined the Discord.

No longer with Seamless — we will have giveaways built in, and if you win, you are automatically whitelisted.

As a moderator or project manager, manually allocating is a thing of the past, and no copy-pasting any IDs. Less work load, less tickets, less congestion.

To summarize:

  1. No whitelist discord roles being manually allocated, they are automatic upon winning the giveaway, or via the relevant first-come-first-serve link
  2. Moderators don’t have to sift through whitelist collaboration channels to prove the holder’s identity and complete tasks. Instead, Seamless does it all
  3. There’s no bar on member entry in the link. Existing giveaway bots often limits to 25 users. Seamless can quickly allocate thousands of giveaway roles if needed
  4. No bots interrupting or snatching discord links. Integrity solved. DAO collaboration at maximum efficiency

This tool simplifies the most complex processes that have gone unsolved in the ecosystem, and SOL Decoder has actively attempted to solve that.

New mints are presented with a beautiful UI to pick from existing DAOs to collab with.

Search, filter, and sort your way through our 80+ DAOs available now (above a mockup for reference)
New NFTs need a single person to fill out the details above, with no mods needed— Seamless handles the rest

And what about Wallet collection? Seamless will be able to do that as well — and users submit their wallet along with getting whitelisted, so no more needing to watch for wallet submission date.

Stay tuned for a future update where we’ll show more details about how collaboration and networking can be done between DAOs. Who wants to be siting in 50 Discord DMs / group chats / tickets, trying to keep track of who has which whitelist spots. Not us! Solutions shall be revealed in due time.

In conclusion:

