My Lady In Red

Olusola Akinbo
1 min readNov 11, 2018

My Lady In Red
My heart told me you've read
Of the passionate words it said
While my sight was dead.

My Lady In Red
I've seen you in bed
Away from the arms you dread
Come let's hug as ted
Let's sew the souls with a thread
Of twine in one and be fed.

My Lady In Red
Away from me, I bled
You've read my heart
Cover it's veins with your red hat.
Turn its arteries into a sage
Paint daily on each new page.
Take me away each night
Into nine clouds not in sight.

The glide of Irish cream
On your glowing skin is a sweet stream
Dropping on your navel
As a tongue roll with a marvel.

My Lady In Red
Your ridges are my delight
By them I'm fed as bread to sledge
Flooding my soul, leaving me bright

My Lady In Red
Again, you're all I seek to wed.
Lola Awolowo Akinbo

Olusola Akinbo (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.

