Tennessee Solar Incentives, Tax Credits & Rebates 2024

Solar Power Systems
14 min readJan 5, 2024


Welcome to an electrifying exploration of the solar revolution bubbling under the Tennessee skies! As we glance towards the sun-drenched horizon, Tennessee is rapidly emerging as a luminary in the renewable energy constellation. In a bid to galvanize its residents toward a more sustainable future, the Volunteer State is now laden with a treasure trove of solar incentives, tax credits, and rebates that, in 2024, shimmer brighter than ever before. With each Tennessee rooftop that converts to a powerhouse of photovoltaic panels, the state takes a step away from the carbon-emitting precipice, leaning into the warm embrace of clean, inexhaustible solar energy. This environmental epiphany echoes the global urgency to diminish the carbon footprint and counter the specter of climate change, ensuring Tennessee isn’t just playing a role but championing the cause. These monetary encouragements beckon homeowners and enterprises alike to join the eco-conscious movement, empowering them to pivot to solar with the sweetening allure of decreased installation costs and enticing long-term savings. Tennessee’s legislative landscape has cultivated the perfect storm of opportunities for investing in solar power — a choice that’s not only monetarily prudent but also a resilient stand for a greener Earth. Ready to harness the sun? Let’s illuminate every crevice of Tennessee’s solar incentives and uncover how they can transform your energy bill into a beacon of efficiency and environmental stewardship.

Get Customized Solar Quote in Tennessee

Navigating the labyrinthine roadmap to solar conversion in the Volunteer State, homeowners must march ahead armed with a customized solar quote — a pivotal compass in this sun-drenched journey. Tennessee’s peculiar position, with its interplay of warm southern sun and a wide fluctuating climate, underscores the necessity for a personalized approach to harnessing solar energy. Tailoring a proposal to the latitude of your rooftop, while not overlooked, is just the tip of the iceberg. Residential dwellers should steer towards those solar installers who deconstruct their annual kilowatt-hour consumption and dissect potential savings right down to the minutia of local tax breaks and incentives — after all, Tennessee’s regulations and TVA’s solar programs echo a siren’s call to those aligned with the state’s solar-friendly chorus.

Here, the acquisition of a solar quote weaves through a tapestry of crucial steps: one must feed the energy appetite of their abode into an online quote platform or converse with a consultant, exchanging whispers of energy bills and roof azimuths. Craftsmanship in gathering quotes demands acknowledgment of elements such as net metering policies and the possible integration of solar batteries, designed to bolster your system’s resilience against the temperamental Tennessee storms. Solar Power Systems, with meticulous alacrity, surveys the expanse of Tennessee’s solar installer terrain, amassing a plethora of data to empower your decision. Feast upon installer accreditations, customer feedback scores, and the punctuality of grid-tie installations — a resolute effort to weave a recommendation tapestry for solar seekers traversing the emerald plains to the smoky mountain peaks in search of solar enlightenment.

Overview of Solar Energy Landscape in Tennessee

Tennessee, a state often synonymous with music and smoky mountains, is steadily tuning its chords to the rhythm of renewable energy, especially solar power. The solar landscape in Tennessee is a burgeoning frontier, fueled by a combination of forward-thinking policies and an advantageous geographic position. The Volunteer State catches a generous supply of sunlight, with average peak sun hours that can propel solar panel efficiency to melodious highs. Tennessee’s position within the Sun Belt, albeit on the northern edge, gifts it with a climate that is warm and temperate — a sweet spot for solar energy production.

State laws and regulations have also played a role in harmonizing the adoption of solar energy. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has been instrumental in fostering solar through initiatives like the Green Invest program, which invites both residential and commercial investment in solar power. While net metering at a retail-rate equivalent isn’t mandated statewide, TVA offers a semblance of compensation for excess generation. Moreover, the state’s property tax exemption for solar installations is an encouraging sonnet for homeowners and businesses alike, mitigating the upfront installation costs and accelerating the return on investment.

With the drumbeat of environmental awareness growing louder, solar installers in Tennessee are witnessing a crescendo of interest. Examples such as the Gibson County Solar Energy Project highlight the state’s commitment to nurturing impressive utility-scale operations that maximize the sun-soaked potential of the region. In demonstrating that economic growth and sustainability can go hand in hand, Tennessee is composing its own legacy in the renewable energy symphony.

Types of Solar Incentives in Tennessee

In the sun-drenched state of Tennessee, solar adopters can harness a variety of incentives, making the transition to solar power both financially feasible and attractive. Notably, Tennessee residents can capitalize on the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which currently offers a substantial 26% deduction on solar installations, cascading into a significant reduction in initial investment costs. As the ITC schedule is set for a step-down in future years, the urgency intensifies for homeowners to exploit this benefit for optimal savings.

On the state level, while Tennessee doesn’t offer a statewide solar tax credit or rebate program, specific utilities inject additional financial enticements. For example, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) partners with local power companies to provide the Green Power Providers program, which welcomes solar generators into the grid, contributing to both sustainable energy production and a lucrative path for participants who receive credits for the energy they produce.

Moreover, thanks to the TVA’s Distributed Solar Solutions (DSS) initiative, commercial and industrial users can delve into larger-scale solar projects with financial assistance, encouraging businesses to take a pro-environmental stance while reducing operational costs. Drenched in incentives, Tennessee provides a compelling narrative for homeowners and businesses alike to soak up the sun’s endless bounty, bolstered by the financial umbrellas unfurled through tax credits, utility-backed programs, and grants.

Benefits of Solar Panels in Tennessee

Harnessing the power of the sun has never been more exhilarating in the Volunteer State! Tennessee, blessed with an average of 204 sunny days per year, is a solar jackpot waiting to be claimed. The environmental paybacks are massive — by plunging into solar, homeowners actively slash the carbon footprint, steering clear from the smog and soot-tag team notorious in fossil fuel narratives. It’s a green leap towards cleaner air and a healthier community.

Economically, it’s a wallet-friendly fiesta. Solar adopters in Tennessee can capitalize on TVA’s (Tennessee Valley Authority) Green Power Providers program, which offers financial perks for residential and small commercial solar energy generation. This program, coupled with the potential 26% federal solar investment tax credit (ITC), not only greases the wheels of Return On Investment (ROI) but also stimulates local job creation. Boom! You’re not just saving; you’re an economy-boosting hero.

For an average Tennessee home, the potential energy savings are colossal. Imagine shaving off a substantial chunk from your electricity bill — solar panels jack-up home efficiency and lock in energy rates, making the ominous shadow of rising utility costs dissipate like morning mist. Such energy autonomy ensures you’re less at the mercy of the grid and more the master of your energy destiny — a sun-powered stronghold brimming with electric bill conquests!

Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC)

Harnessing the lustrous power of the Tennessee sun, residents plunge into the verdant world of renewable vitality, navigating the glittering sphere of the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) — a tantalizing financial cornerstone for solar aspirants. A beacon of fiscal stimulus, the ITC endows homeowners and businesses with a delectable deduction, a percentage of the total solar installation cost snipped from federal tax liabilities with a zest akin to the sun slicing through the Appalachian morning. As of the latest solar chronology, 2024 unfurls, revealing a 30% tax credit, an invigorating resurgence following previous years’ gradual diminutions.

Abracadabra, the ITC’s newfound stability: Extended through the Inflation Reduction Act, this scintillating incentive pirouettes around the constraints of time, now staying its 30% rate through 2032, making the sunlit dance of solar panels on Tennessean rooftops an induced reverie. Revved up by the law’s sagacious hand, solar investors observe the confluence of climate, economics, and legislation, as the Volunteer State basks in over 200 sun-drenched days annually. With a policy framework that embellishes this rebate until the defined sunset in 2034, the Tennessee solar narrative unfolds vigorously, intertwining sustainability with sagacity — a tale written in the ink of photons, bound by the parchment of conscious investment triumphs over tax tribulations.

State Solar Tax Credits and Rebates

Tennessee, with its honeyed sunbeams lacing through the Volunteer State, illuminates a landscape ripe for solar proliferation. Yet, as residents of Tennessee eye the solar horizon, they must navigate the nuances of fiscal incentives with astute precision. Although Tennessee doesn’t bask in the glow of a state-specific solar tax credit, the keen-eyed homeowner can leverage the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit, a federal boon granting a sumptuous 30% deduction on solar systems installed through 2032.

This percentage descends in the subsequent years, trickling down to 26% in 2033 and resting at 22% in 2034 before dissipating like the evening sun. On a local vanguard, certain Tennessee municipalities and utility companies proffer their own golden handshake through rebate programs, snipping the initial cost of solar installation. For instance, The Tennessee Valley Authority’s pioneering Green Connect program previously offered a per-kilowatt-hour credit for solar generation, although enrollment has currently been paused, leaving the future of such incentives oscillating like a sunspot on the surface of our nearest star.

This ever-evolving tapestry of rebates and incentives demands of the prospective solar adopter a vigilant eye and an insatiable appetite for research, seizing upon the fragments of fiscal incentives to weave a greener, more cost-efficient energy future. With rebate programs periodically emerging, it behooves Tennessee residents to frequently scour the landscape for any burgeoning opportunities, ensuring they harness not only the sun’s power but also the full spectrum of available financial sunbursts.

Net Metering and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs)

In the sun-dappled hills of Tennessee, net metering policies sparkle with potential, offering solar panel owners the chance to receive full retail credit for the excess electricity their systems produce. This policy, a linchpin of solar economics, allows homeowners and businesses generating their own clean energy to essentially spin their meters backward, reducing their utility bills commensurately with the kilowatt-hours pushed back onto the grid. However, the landscape of solar incentives in Tennessee is as dynamic as the Cumberland Plateau itself, with net metering applications and benefits varying by utility company, some offering less lucrative buyback arrangements than others, underscoring the importance for prospective solar adopters to investigate their local utility’s specific net metering policies.

On another sunlit front, the concept of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs), though an effulgent idea, burns less brightly in Tennessee. An SREC is a solar homeowner’s golden ticket, tradable for each thousand kilowatt-hours of solar juice produced, and in states with robust SREC markets, these certificates can significantly offset system costs. Alas, in Tennessee, SREC markets have not reached full maturity, which means solar system owners currently have fewer options for monetizing these green assets — but as the state’s renewable energy narrative evolves, so too could the prospects for SRECs, shining a hopeful ray on future opportunities in the Volunteer State’s solar sector.

Financing Options and Solar Loans

Diving headfirst into the luminous world of solar financing in Tennessee, homeowners are greeted with an effervescent array of options designed to make the transition to solar as frictionless as the production of photons itself. Under the vibrant Tennessee sun, residents can harness the state-sanctioned Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) EnergyRight Solutions program, a beacon guiding the way toward sustainable energy use which, while not a loan program per se, provides a platform to connect with local financing options.

Further irradiating the promising landscape, a myriad of banks and financial institutions in the Volunteer State now offer solar loans, drenched in competitive terms that embrace both secured and unsecured financing to fit diverse economic ecosystems. Moreover, the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), reverberating with potential, provides a substantial rebate of 26% as of 2022, and while it may step down, it encapsulates an immediate vehicle to undercut initial costs, effectively shining a fiscal ray of hope upon upfront investment.

Sometimes, though, the soft whisper of the market will also present Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing, where repayment is ingeniously integrated into property tax bills. Though Tennessee currently does not offer a state-sponsored PACE program, the battleship of solar momentum cannot be easily anchored, and it’s a solar seascape worth navigating for future legislative tides could very well sail in favorable renewable directions.

Additional Incentives and Local Programs

Stepping into the solar spotlight in Tennessee, local initiatives ramp up the appeal of solar investments beyond the already tempting federal solar tax credit. In the booming metropolis of Nashville, for instance, the Music City Solar program strums a chord that resonates with residents, offering a community-shared solar installation which allows individuals to partake in solar energy without installing panels on their own premises. This is music to the ears of urbanites in condos or heritage-protected properties. Meanwhile, the TVA’s Green Power Providers program had been encouraging the switch to solar by offering long-term premium payments for solar generation. Although this program closed to new applications at the end of 2019, its legacy lives on, as it leaves behind a grid more in tune with renewable sources.

Additionally, some counties may hum their own tunes with property tax incentives, like Davidson County’s Urban Solar Generation Facility tax abatement, which reduces the urban services district property tax for solar installations. This goes hand in hand with a trend toward group-buying initiatives that temper the upfront costs through bulk purchasing. Solarize campaigns — a coalescence of solar advocacy and volume discounting — often crescendo throughout the state, bringing with them a melodic drop in solar installation prices. With each local policy and sun-powered project, Tennessee is harmonizing the energy landscape, proving that when it comes to renewables, the Volunteer State knows how to orchestrate a brighter, greener future.

Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply

Navigating the solar seascape in Tennessee can evoke a sense of pioneering as the eligibility for solar incentives and rebates is speckled with both state-driven initiatives and federal solar tax credits. The crux of solar eligibility pulsates around the installation of photovoltaic systems (PV) that are in compliance with the performance and reliability standards set by the Solar Rating Certification Corporation (SRCC) or a similar entity endorsed by the state government. For a residential solar pioneer, the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) heralds as a beacon, offering a significant reduction in federal taxes amounting to 26% of the system cost until the end of 2022, when it will phase down to 22% for installations commenced before December 31, 2023.

It’s pivotal to catch this thriving tide by ensuring your system is grid-connected and your installer is certified by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP), something highly regarded in the Tennessee solar threshold. Applying for these incentives commences with a solar symphony — interconnecting with the local utility grid and acquiring the necessary approvals, which can oscillate depending on local jurisdictions. Next, one must submit form 5695 alongside their federal tax return to claim the ITC. For state-specific rebates, such as the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) Green Connect, homeowners must sync with participating local power companies. These incentives are not just a nod to sustainability but are financial catalysts in the economic equation of transitioning to solar energy, making Tennessee a state where solar is not just a commodity, but a chorus of community effort toward renewable enlightenment.

Case Studies or Success Stories

Deep in the heart of Tennessee, sunlight is turning into cold, hard cash, thanks to the state’s inviting solar incentives. Take, for instance, Knoxville’s glittering Solar Farm 1 — undoubtedly a success story emblematic of techno-optimism. This beacon of renewable energy deflects skepticism like a well-angled panel, showcasing the prowess of incentives such as the TVA’s Green Power Providers program which rewarded solar adopters with enticing rates for the power they produced, effectively seeding the clouds for solar investment rain.

Transitioning to residential triumphs, a Nashville homeowner managed to slice their energy bill to mere pennies by harnessing the sun’s rays. Leveraging the federal investment tax credit (ITC) alongside local incentives, they paced through the installation of photovoltaic (PV) panels with finesse. Their bill? A testament to how 26% of their initial system cost returned to them via tax credits, easing financial tension and radiating economic sense.

Businesses, too, are riding the solar carousel. A Chattanooga company, once reliant on the grid, now basks in the sunshine of autonomy. They sunk their teeth into TVA’s incentive offerings and sprinted past the breakeven point with finesse. Not only did they shrink their operational costs, but they also bolstered their brand image, color it green — with sustainability as the new vogue in corporate Tennessee.


In the vibrant landscapes of Tennessee, the solar energy revolution is catching fire, illuminated by an array of shining incentives, tax credits, and rebates that herald 2024 as a solar utopia. Harnessing the Volunteer State’s generous streams of sunlight, residents can now bask in the economic glow of cost-saving opportunities like never before. Imagine leveraging the TVA’s Green Power Providers program or capitalizing on the impressive Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) which, even after stepping down, still offers a robust deduction for solar PV systems. Tennessee’s property tax exemption for solar installations is a game-changer, permitting homeowners to upgrade to solar without a spike in property taxes. Furthermore, local rebates and incentives may be available just around the corner, such as those provided by local power companies or municipal initiatives that make the solar leap even more financially appealing. Specific to Tennessee’s legislation, such encouragements are powering a sustainable future, urging homeowners to ride the solar wave with potentially free solar panel programs aimed at reducing upfront costs. These solar enticements are not just buzzwords; they represent real savings, an eco-friendly shift, and a radiant investment in one of nature’s most abundant resources. Do not let the sun set on this solar renaissance in Tennessee; explore your photovoltaic potential and embolden your life with the power of the sun!

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