Utah Solar Incentives, Tax Credits & Rebates 2024

Solar Power Systems
14 min readJan 5, 2024


As the world pivots towards a greener future, igniting a revolution under Utah’s boundless azure skies, the state has positioned itself as a luminary in the quest for renewable energy sources. Utah, renowned for its vast, sun-drenched landscapes, is capitalizing on its solar goldmine, offering an array of incentives, tax credits, and rebates designed to coax both residents and businesses into the solar fold. The emergence of Utah as a solar sanctuary is no mere stroke of luck; it’s a calculated, strategic embrace of environmental stewardship and energy independence. With the 2024 horizon glittering with possibilities, the Utah Solar Incentive Program stands as a testament to this commitment, turning the Beehive State into a hive of renewable energy activity. Solar energy in Utah — now more than just a possibility — is a flourishing reality buoyed by financial sweeteners that make the transition economically tantalizing. Amidst escalating environmental concerns and the clarion call to reduce carbon footprints, Utah’s solar incentives meld the ecological with the economical. They underscore a proactive stance on climate change, while ensuring residents reap the sun’s bounty. By propelling the solar energy narrative forward, Utah not only ensures a cleaner today but also secures a luminescent tomorrow.

Get Solar Quote in Utah

Navigating the labyrinthine pathways of solar investment requires a reliable compass, and in Utah — a state resplendent with an abundance of sun-soaked days — a personalized solar quote acts as this indispensable guide. In the Beehive State, where solar incentives intertwine with intricate policy frameworks, obtaining a quote is not just about the dollar signs; it encapsulates the potential energy yield, balanced against unique local regulations like net metering policies and the specifics of the Utah Solar Incentive Program. Our reconnaissance at Solar Power Systems delved deep into the crux of Utah’s solar scene, evaluating installers on a battalion of criteria ranging from customer service triumphs to techno-savvy prowess in photovoltaic system design.

To procure a quote that resonates with the high-altitude, desert-like climate of Utah, prospective solar champions must first gather their annual energy usage data — this kilowatt hour kaleidoscope underpins the customization of your quote. With this data at hand, it’s a journey through consultation calls or online forms packed with local geographical considerations — the angle of your roof, the capricious nature of neighborhood shading, and the flirtations of your residence with peak sunlight hours. Our research indicates that top-rated Utah installers don’t just churn out quotes; they create solar symphonies tailored to the minutiae of your abode, ensuring that your move to solar harmonizes with state legislation and climactic idiosyncrasies, all while optimizing the financial symphony of tax credits and incentives. This meticulous method of quote cultivation is what transforms solar adoption from a mere transaction into an enlightened energy epiphany.

Overview of Solar Energy Landscape in Utah

Navigating the photovoltaic (PV) panorama in Utah, one can’t help but marvel at the audacious sparkle of opportunity in harnessing solar energy in this geographically privileged region. Renowned for its expansive deserts and an average of 300 days of sunshine per year, Utah’s solar potential is practically as boundless as the Great Salt Lake is vast. The state has catapulted itself into the solar stratosphere with a vibrant mix of policies fostering growth in solar installations across residential, commercial, and utility sectors — a response not only to environmental foresight but to economic pragmatism.

Utah’s solar energy trajectory synchronizes harmoniously with Utah Public Service Commission’s regulations, which facilitate net metering, allowing residents to sell surplus power back to the grid, thereby inviting both sweet sustainability and palpable profitability. The state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard adds an additional layer of incentive, aiming to ramp up renewable energy contributions to the power mix, while local tax exemptions and solar access rights shield solar adoption from the erratic gusts of fiscal headwinds.

The case of Utah exemplifies a microcosm where policy, climate, and topographical endowments converge to form a veritable haven for solar investment. From Utah’s vermilion vistas such as Zion National Park, solar arrays might one day capture not merely the aesthetic magnificence but also the solar abundance, transforming natural splendor into a powerhouse of renewable energy — innovatively, resiliently, and sustainably lighting up the Beehive State’s future.

Types of Solar Incentives in Utah

Utah dazzles with a solar smorgasbord of incentives that energize homeowners to harness the sun’s bounty. The prowess of solar investments in Utah is amplified by the state’s Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit, a potent motivator that reduces personal income tax, emboldening both residential and commercial entities to pivot towards photovoltaic adoption. This fiscal panacea can claw back 25% of the total system cost or $1,600, whichever is less, jolting the economics of solar into overdrive.

Beyond tax alleviation, the Beehive State sweetens the photovoltaic pot with specific utility-based rebates. Programs like Rocky Mountain Power’s Wattsmart initiative were previously a beacon, guiding residents towards financial reprieve when purchasing solar systems, although their availability oscillates with the fiscal winds and requires an astute eye on current offerings.

Moreover, Utah basks in net metering policies that let solar power generators earn credit for the excess electricity they inject back into the grid, setting up a virtuous cycle of energy production and consumption. This symbiotic energy relationship underscores a fundamental shift in power dynamics, propelling the state towards sustainability with each kilowatt-hour conserved and paycheck padded. It’s important to note, however, the net metering landscape is in flux, tasked with the necessity to balance the interests of solar adopters with the dynamics of utility companies and market rates.

Lastly, specific local incentives, albeit sporadic, emerge like desert blooms in Utah’s counties and municipalities, offering grants or additional rebates that make the proverbial pie even sweeter for solar system buyers. This patchwork of solar enticements crafts a compelling narrative to tempt any Utahn to take the renewable leap.

Benefits of Solar Panels in Utah

In the sun-drenched state of Utah, harnessing solar energy is not just an environmental imperative but also an economic bonanza for homeowners and the community at large. The environmental benefits of solar panels are palpable; they help reduce the carbon footprint, mitigate air pollution, and minimize reliance on finite fossil fuels. Utah’s unique climatic conditions, epitomized by its sheer number of clear, sunny days, are exceedingly conducive to solar power generation, translating to significant energy savings over time. Economically, homeowners in the Beehive State tap into the lucrative advantage of solar panel installations through incentives like the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and local initiatives such as the Rocky Mountain Power wattsmart program. Added to these are the net metering policies that credibly amplify the cost-effectiveness of solar energy systems by crediting solar users for the surplus power they inject back into the grid, thus slashing energy bills and accelerating the return on investment. This fusion of environmental stewardship and economic rationality rides hand-in-hand with the state’s laws and regulations, fostering a greener energy landscape and insulating the community from the volatility of traditional energy markets. As solar adoption in Utah accelerates, these collective gains form a mosaic of green growth, community resilience, and sustainable development.

Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC)

In the photovoltaic panorama of Utah, the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) stands as a solar sentinel, heralding a golden age for renewable aficionados. The Federal ITC is not a static beast; rather, it’s a vibrant, ever-morphing creature that has recently undergone significant metamorphosis. Initially slated to diminish after 2023, the solar tax credit has locked its percentage at a robust 30% for systems installed before 2033, an invigorating lifeline for Utah’s sun-chasers. This is particularly salient in the Beehive State, where the convergence of sunny skies and supporting regulation embroiders an inviting tapestry for residential and commercial solar investments.

With the ITC’s extension, Utah residents can squirrel away substantial greenbacks on their solar array acquisition — a point of particular interest given the state’s above-average sunlight exposure, which bolsters the efficiency and the financial feasibility of solar investments. This fiscal fillip aligns harmoniously with Utah’s Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit, catalyzing an environment teeming with incentives wherein adopting solar becomes an economically luscious proposition. However, navigating the intricate dance of tapping into these tax credits demands a meticulous approach; it is imperative to consult with a savvy tax professional or a knowledgeable solar installer to ensure accurate credit application in line with up-to-the-minute state-specific solar policies.

Net Metering and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs)

Utah basks in the solar limelight with its policies propelling homeowners into the energy cosmos via net metering. This policy, a radiant beacon of cost-saving, enables residential photovoltaic virtuosos to spin their meters backward, injecting surplus solar-generated electricity back to the grid. The reciprocity? A credit, as palpable as the desert sun, applied to their utility bills. Utah’s approach allures solar adopters, framing the value proposition of going solar beyond mere environmental stewardship — it’s also profoundly economic.

On the other flank of Utah’s solar strategy lies the shimmering opportunity of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates, SRECs. Though yet to fully unfurl its potential within the Beehive State, SRECs represent a tantalizing additional income avenue for solar investors. Each SREC embodies the clean energy generation worth a megawatt-hour. While Utah does not have a specific SREC market, the broader interconnection with regional markets could galvanize its adoption, tipping the scales further in favor of solar investors as they potentially trade these certificates in states with more robust SREC infrastructures. Thus, these two pillars, net metering and the nascent SREC framework, fuel a solar renaissance in Utah, making every kilowatt-hour a cog in the sustainability machine and potentially a nugget of tradable gold.

State Solar Tax Credits and Rebates

Navigating the solar-scape in Utah, residents can electrify their tax savings with a radiant array of incentives. Leading the charge, the Utah Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit (RESTC) sizzles with opportunity, offering a svelte 25% off the cost of solar installation, capped at $1,600 until the end of 2021, stepping down to $1,200 in 2022, $800 in 2023, and phasing out completely by 2024. Solar adopters must strike while the sun is high because these incentives are as dynamic as the desert climate. Adding to the fiscal glow, the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) further slashes solar costs by 26% for systems installed in 2020–2022, before dialing down to 22% in 2023 and setting at 10% for commercial and utility-scale systems post-2023 — residential solar ITC is scheduled to sunset unless renewed by Congress. Meanwhile, utility-based incentives may sporadically dot the landscape, like Rocky Mountain Power’s Wattsmart rebate program, which has previously rewarded energy-conscious consumers but currently awaits a rekindling of funding to fan future flames of rebates. With dazzling days aplenty, Utah boasts a climate ripe for harnessing the sun’s bounty, and savvy solar strategists will maximize their financial gains by aligning their switch to solar with these state-specific incentives before they dissipate like dew under the desert sun.

Financing Options and Solar Loans

Navigating the intricacies of solar financing in the majestic but complex energy landscape of Utah can be akin to exploring the state’s own Canyonlands National Park — daunting yet rewarding. The Beehive State buzzes with financial opportunities for those looking to harness its abundant sunshine through solar installations. One program that shines brightly is the Utah Solar Incentive Program, offering rebates and a sunny suite of incentives for residential and commercial solar projects. Furthermore, Utah residents can capitalize on Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing, empowering property owners to finance their solar panels through an assessment on their property tax, a revolutionary move in green financing.

However, that’s only the tip of the solar iceberg. Local utilities may offer their own suite of solar loans, with appealing terms designed as an enticing lure for the environmentally conscious and economically savvy Utahn. Be aware, though, that solar financial options are as nuanced as Utah’s own desert dunes; some come with a claim of no upfront costs, while others boast terms that outshine traditional loans, with lower interest rates and longer-term paybacks that can help conserve your cash like water in a desert. This diverse array of solar loans and financing options beats at the heart of Utah’s commitment to renewable energy and positions it as an El Dorado for solar investment. As solar technology costs plummet and awareness skyrockets, securing a solar loan in Utah is becoming as practical and mainstream as skiing in Park City.

Additional Incentives and Local Programs

In the panorama of sustainable energy in Utah, additional incentives and local programs add layers of appeal for homeowners and businesses alike to adopt solar power. Beyond the already enticing federal solar tax credit, Utahns may bask in the glow of state-specific rebates such as the Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit, which can provide a kickback on their state income tax. Cities like Salt Lake City are pioneering pathways toward carbon neutrality, with programs like the ‘Elevate Buildings Performance Standard’, nudging commercial buildings into the solar age with a mix of mandates and incentives.

The solar current really gets energized at the community level, where group-buying schemes lower the financial barrier to entry. These collective purchasing efforts, organized through nonprofits or local government initiatives, negotiate significant discounts on solar installations by leveraging the buying power of groups, sometimes slicing off up to 20% of the costs. This not only democratizes access to renewable energy but also fosters community bonds.

To further electrify the attractiveness of solar investments, Utah’s rocky topography has become sprinkled with community solar projects. These installations are a beacon of progress, allowing households that may not have suitable roofs for solar panels to buy into shared solar gardens, reaping the benefits of the sun’s largesse as if they had panels on their own domicile. This shared solar model gleams particularly in Utah’s sun-soaked landscape, reinforcing the state’s ascension in the renewable ranks while aligning with local climate action plans.

Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply

Navigating through the labyrinth of solar eligibility criteria in Utah resembles embarking on a quest for sun-powered treasure, particularly so due to the vibrant incentives and rebates designed to make the transition to solar as smooth as silken sunlight. To claim these solar bounties, Utah residents must first ensure their rooftop kingdoms abide by local building codes and zoning ordinances, attuned to the solar access laws that protect a homeowner’s right to sunshine despite the shadows cast by neighbors’ dominions. Moreover, the Utah solar scene gleams brighter for those who have their systems installed by licensed professionals, ensuring both safety and eligibility for the state’s specific incentives.

The radiant step-by-step guide to unlocking these solar treasures commences with contacting a local solar installer, one adept in the mystic arts of Utah’s renewable energy incentives. These solar sherpa will navigate the technical terrain, guiding their clients through required energy audits or system certification processes. Subsequently, the quest advances by applying for the Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit, a financial catalyst that reimburses up to 25% of the solar system cost or a maximum of $1,600 — whichever boon is less. This incentive, however, is as transient as the phases of the moon; diminishing yearly until its 2023 twilight.

Solar adventurers must then delve into the realm of net metering and utility-specific incentives which, akin to gathering rare elements, demand precision in application and timing to achieve the full spectrum of benefits. With valor, vigilance, and a solar expert as an ally, intrepid Utahans can claim the full array of solar incentives, soaring onwards towards a sustainable and empowered energy future.

Case Studies or Success Stories

Utah’s sun-soaked landscapes have become a canvas for solar success stories, brimming with tales of residents and businesses tapping into the state’s generous solar incentives to transform their energy profiles. Notably, in the residential sector, the Huntsman family slashed their energy bill by nearly 60% after installing a photovoltaic system on their Salt Lake City home, harnessing the potent combination of the federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and Utah’s specific Residential Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit. This synergy of incentives has catapulted Utah to the forefront of solar adopters, with a bloom of rooftop installations spreading across the state.

On the commercial front, the sprawling Intermountain Healthcare facilities are striking examples of solar pragmatism. These medical hubs have integrated solar technology into their operations, leveraging the state’s Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) program, which finances energy improvements and is repaid via a long-term assessment on the property. Intermountain’s solar rooftops now contribute to Utah’s growing reputation as an eco-conscious state while simultaneously curbing operational costs.

These are just snapshots of Utah’s solar symphony, each chord struck by incentives echoing the state’s commitment to clean, affordable energy. The upshot? A sterling incentive infrastructure that empowers both individuals and the business community to pivot towards renewable resources, situating Utah as a vanguard in the renewable revolution. Engulfed by an arid climate that yearns for innovation, Utah’s dance with solar incentives is a crescendo still ascending, a model of policy-meets-practice that’s ripe for emulation.


As the sun-drenched expanse of Utah beckons with its clear, blue skies, the state’s commitment to renewable energy shines just as brightly with an array of solar incentives, tax credits, and rebates in 2024. The Beehive State has become a hive of activity for solar adoption, not only because of its favorable climate but also due to the compelling financial benefits available to homeowners. The Utah Solar Investment Tax Credit offers a radiant opportunity, allowing for a percentage of the cost of solar panel installation to be credited against state tax liability, igniting interest in residential solar projects across the state.

Moreover, specific utilities within Utah provide rebates that further lower the outlay for solar systems, boosting the return on investment like a midday sun catapults solar output. The net metering policy is yet another incentive, essentially letting solar panel users earn bill credits for the surplus energy they contribute back to the grid — truly a golden opportunity to harness the power of the sun. With the potential for free solar panels through certain solar leasing programs, the cost-effectiveness of switching to solar in Utah is as clear as the state’s own salt flats.

Encouragingly, Utah’s solar incentives extend beyond mere cost savings, embodying a sustainable ethos that echoes through its red-rock canyons and alpine forests. It’s a clarion call to residents to explore the transformative power of solar energy, reducing both utility bills and carbon footprints in a state that takes pride in its natural beauty and evolving energy landscape. Now is a pivotal moment for Utahns to tap into the pulse of solar progress and illuminate the future with clean, renewable power.

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