Solarex Project | Blockchain Driven Solar Energy Ecosystem

Solarex ICO
1 min readJun 17, 2019


Inadequate supply of energy can be felt mostly in heating, cooking, and water supply because literally, consumers do the aforementioned activities every day. This implies that without the adequate supply of energy, even the domestic daily routines cannot be completed. Therefore, a sustained energy crisis is likely to become a humanitarian crisis.
But we can prevent this energy crisis from becoming a humanitarian crisis by support the Solarex Solar Energy Blockchin Project. A Solar Energy Ecosystem.

Solarex, a high-performance blockchain technology has come with the provision of affordable solar energy ecosystem for all, let us tackle energy crisis in Africa with Solarex.

Visit our website for enquiries and to participate in the ongoing ICO phase 2 that comes with 10% discount!!

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You can read more on the project from Solarex Whitepaper

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