Helios Energy signs Major Contract

2 min readSep 12, 2019


Following a successful visit to Namangan, Uzbekistan in June, and after several weeks of planning and negotiations, our sponsoring company’s CEO, Jeremy Tan, was invited to the Uzbek Embassy in Bangkok to sign the official contract to start work on the first phase of the project.

Jeremy with the Uzbek Ambassador

The site has been fully prepared for the first installation 40MW of solar power and is ready for groundbreaking in October. The project is broken out into five phases, each lasting three months, with anticipated completion by the end of December, 2020, which will total 80,000 photovoltaic panels.

The installation is truly a turnkey project, meaning our sponsoring company, Helios Energy, is responsible for shipping, infrastructure construction, installation, and local onsite team training. To this effect, Helios Energy’s Lead Engineer has designed a complete syllabus, which is split into 3 phases:

-Proper/optimized installation (side to the sun, angle of mount, etc.),

-Troubleshooting and maintenance (inverters, surges, monitoring systems, repair and replacement of parts, etc), and

-Internationally recognized security and safety practices and procedures.

The course will take 4 months, resulting in our partner local onsite team being fully certified in installation and maintenance of the location. This training will take place concurrent to the construction and installation of the planned 40MW.

This project is the result of the Uzbek Government’s commitment to continued modernization of their infrastructure in a sustainable fashion, and serves as an excellent blueprint for other economies to recognize the significant benefits of sustainable energy development. Our partnership will result in increased investment in the Namagan region and significant new work opportunities for it’s citizens, creating a true win/win for all involved.

For more information on how you can invest in a company that’s creating a brighter and more sustainable future, please visit https://www.solarstake.io.

