Referral competition results

1 min readJan 10, 2020

The results are (belatedly) in!

The SolarStake team would like to announce the distribution of the prizes of the referral competition!

In order to protect people’s privacy, we won’t give away their identities, but will use their Telegram usernames. Please give a round of applause to the following — their prizes are awaiting them in their wallets:

1st place — winning 650 tokens is @Jasonjlh

2nd place — winning 390 tokens is @Alex_SolarStake

3rd place — winning 130 tokens is @GaryBUK

4th place — winning 65 tokens is @cs8800

5th place — winning 32.5 tokens is @mithium

6th place — winning 32.5 tokens is @Richard_TR

7th place — winning 32.5 tokens is @Fockz

8th place — winning 32.5 tokens is @EryckCrypton

9th place — winning 32.5 tokens is @donotlistentome

