5 Challenges to Consider When Crossing the Mediterranean Sea

9 min readApr 21, 2023


The Mediterranean crossing refers to the Central Mediterranean route used by migrants and asylum seekers to enter the European Union (EU) irregularly. They embark on dangerous journeys from North Africa and Turkey, crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Italy and, to a lesser extent, Malta (Consilium).

Are you considering crossing the Mediterranean Sea?

There are a plethora of FAQs that you must consider before embarking on your journey. To make the process easier, we’ve compiled a list of five challenges to consider when crossing the Mediterranean Sea. From understanding the weather conditions to being aware of the local laws, we’ll provide the answers to help you find success in your travels.

With the right preparation, crossing the Mediterranean Sea can be a rewarding and enriching experience.

Parts of a boat lying at shore of Mediterranean Sea (Sole for African Child Foundation Media)

Startling Statistics

In 2022, it was estimated that 2,062 migrants died while attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea, although the accurate number of deaths cannot be ascertained (Statista). Since 2009, about 2 million migrants have arrived in Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea (Pew Research Center).

Many people crossing the Mediterranean are fleeing conflict, violence, or persecution, seeking a better life and better jobs (UN News). The deadliest migrant route in the world is the Darién Gap, which exposes those who cross it to natural hazards and criminal gangs known for inflicting violence, including sexual abuse and robbery (CNN).

In 2022, 2,367 people died trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea. ~ MSF


The Mediterranean Sea is at risk due to extensive fishing for iconic species, such as bluefin tuna, Mediterranean swordfish, hake, or mullet, and the use of destructive trawling gears, leading to overfishing and habitat degradation that seriously threaten its marine life (Oceana Europe).

Risks associated with crossing the Mediterranean Sea include the danger of shipwreck due to bad weather or poor boat conditions, abductions to Libya and Tunisia, the risk of being brought back by the coast guard to Libya, and potential pushbacks illegally operated by EU national authorities (Refugee.Info). Migrants attempting the crossing often face high levels of violence, extortion, and arbitrary detention in Libya, with serious consequences for their physical and mental health (MSF).

Two small inflated boats used for crossing the Mediterranean Sea

Foiled Dreams

In the first 10 months of 2016, 3,740 people died while trying to cross the Mediterranean, with a one in 88 chance of dying during the journey (PBS Frontline). The majority of migrants and refugees reaching Europe’s shores in 2015 traveled from Turkey to Greece, while the Libya to Italy route accounted for roughly 77% of deaths in 2015 and 87% of fatalities in the first 10 months of 2016 (IOM).

In 2022, 253,205 people attempted to cross the Mediterranean, with 42% intercepted at sea and returned to Libya, despite it not being a place of safety (MSF).

Can you go on a relaxing cruise and see some of the most beautiful places in the world? Of course, but it’s also a voyage with its own set of challenges.

Crossing the Mediterranean sea is a daunting task that requires careful planning.


From choppy waters to treacherous winds, there are various obstacles to consider before hopping on a boat and setting out across the ocean. Here are five of the most important ones

  1. Weather Conditions: One of the biggest challenges when crossing the Mediterranean Sea is the unpredictable weather. The sea can be calm and peaceful one moment, and then a sudden storm can hit, making it difficult to navigate. It’s important to keep an eye on the weather forecast and plan accordingly to avoid getting caught in a storm.
  2. Navigation: With so many countries bordering the Mediterranean, there are numerous regulations and navigational rules to follow. It’s important to have a good understanding of the local laws and regulations, as well as the geography of the area. This will help ensure a safe and successful journey.
  3. Safety Concerns: Crossing the Mediterranean Sea can be dangerous, especially for those who are not experienced sailors. There are numerous hazards to consider, including strong currents, rocks, and other boats. It’s important to take all necessary safety precautions, such as wearing life jackets and having a properly equipped boat.
  4. Language Barriers: With so many different countries surrounding the Mediterranean, there are numerous languages spoken in the region. This can make communication difficult, especially in emergency situations. It’s important to have a basic understanding of the local language or to bring someone along who can act as a translator.
  5. Immigration and Customs: When crossing the Mediterranean Sea, it’s important to be aware of immigration and customs requirements. Each country has its own regulations, and failure to comply with them can result in fines or even legal trouble. It’s important to research the requirements ahead of time and to have all necessary documents in order.
Parts of deflated boat floating in Mediterranean Sea (Sole for African Child Foundation Media)

The Mediterranean Sea is a difficult crossing for those looking to travel by sea. As we have seen, there are a number of challenges that must be considered, such as choppy waters and treacherous winds. Some of the most important considerations are making sure your vessel is seaworthy and packing the right supplies in case of emergencies.

How to Build More Equitable World

The Mediterranean migration route has become a deadly path for migrants and asylum seekers. Reports of the rising death toll at sea has alarmed international organizations and leaders alike. These deaths are largely due to the dangerous nature of the journey and the lack of safe, legal routes for these vulnerable individuals.

The plight of those crossing the Mediterranean Sea serves as a reminder of the immense challenges we face as a global community. It is a call to action, urging us to come together to build a world that is more equitable and just, where everyone has the opportunity to live a safe and fulfilling life.

A. Safe and Legal Pathways

Without access to these secure paths, many people are forced to make the risky journey across the Mediterranean in overcrowded, unseaworthy boats. Despite the efforts of European governments to protect these migrants and asylum seekers, the death toll continues to rise.

In order to prevent further loss of life, it is essential to create safe and legal pathways for individuals to make the journey without risking their lives.

B. Improving Livelihoods in Home Countries

On the other hand, there are organizations such as the Sole for Africa Child Foundation, which focus on women empowerment and child schooling, that can play a crucial role in improving the lives of people in Africa.

  1. Building schools in underserved areas
  2. Funding scholarships for female students in Africa
  3. Promoting awareness of health and social issues affecting African families
  4. Supporting community-driven initiatives to promote economic development
  5. Offering training programs to help women develop the necessary skills to become independent
  6. Developing infrastructure and access to clean water and other basic necessities
  7. Providing educational materials and resources to children in Africa
  8. Connecting local communities to global networks and resources
  9. Educating citizens on their rights, safety and security
A fully stocked small scale shop (Sole for African Child Foundation Media)

C. Cottage Industries

More specifically, to encorage enterpreneurship, concerned stakeholders should come together and make investments in community initiatives for:
* Promoting innovation and creative problem solving
* Supporting start-up businesses
* Facilitating access to capital
* Reducing regulations and bureaucratic hurdles
* Connecting entrepreneurs with mentors and resources
* Offering tax credits and incentives
* Fostering collaboration between entrepreneurs
* Creating a culture of risk-taking
* Investing in research and development
* Establishing incubator and accelerator programs

Slashing the Death Toll of Crossing of the Mediterranean Sea

Providing comprehensive training programs for sailors, improving communication and coordination between different countries, and implementing stricter safety regulations could all help reduce the number of deaths associated with crossing the Mediterranean.

Additionally, providing more legal channels for immigration and better support for refugees and migrants could also help discourage people from taking dangerous routes across the sea. It will require a collaborative effort between different governments, organizations, and individuals to address this issue and ensure the safety of those who choose to cross the Mediterranean Sea.

In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, it is essential for us to take action to reduce the tragic death toll of people crossing the Mediterranean Sea. By building a more equitable world, we can work towards a safer future for all. Through investing in infrastructure, strengthening international laws, and promoting awareness, we can empower individuals and communities to create a world where everyone has access to a safe and secure life.

Good produced in a cottage industry (Sole for African Child Foundation Media)


By taking these steps, we can ensure that no one is denied the right to a fair, dignified, and prosperous future. With the right approach, we can make a real difference in the lives of those crossing the Mediterranean Sea and create a more equitable world.

The challenges mentioned in this article are just some of the factors that contribute to the high death toll associated with crossing the Mediterranean Sea. To solve this problem, it’s important to address each of these challenges individually and come up with solutions that can help minimize the risks for those making the journey.


Are you planning to cross the Mediterranean Sea? If so, you may have a lot of questions about crossing or not. With the dangers associated with such a journey, it’s important to know what to expect and how to prepare. Here, we have compiled a list of six most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about crossing the Mediterranean Sea, with answers to help you make an informed decision

Q1: What did Andre Gide say about discovering new oceans?

A1: Andre Gide wrote, “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

Q2: What is the Mediterranean Sea?

A2: The Mediterranean Sea is the body of water that lies between Europe to the north and Africa to the south, and is connected to the Atlantic Ocean via the Strait of Gibraltar.

Q3: Why have people historically crossed the Mediterranean Sea?

A3: Historically, people have crossed the Mediterranean Sea for trade and migration.

Q4: Why are people crossing the Mediterranean Sea today?

A4: Today, people are crossing the Mediterranean Sea in search of safety and a better life, often due to conflict, persecution, and poverty in their homelands.

Q5: What are the dangers of crossing the Mediterranean Sea?

A5: The dangers of crossing the Mediterranean Sea include the risk of drowning in rough seas, being detained or exploited by smugglers and traffickers, and overcrowding in unsafe boats.

Q6: What can be done to ensure the safety and well-being of those making the perilous journey across the Mediterranean Sea?

A6: To ensure the safety and well-being of those making the perilous journey across the Mediterranean Sea, international cooperation is essential, together with proactive measures to address the root causes of migration and create safe and legal migration pathways. Countries also need to strengthen their capacity to ensure successful integration of migrants and provide adequate protection for those seeking asylum.

Have you made the decision to cross the Mediterranean Sea?

No matter what type of Mediterranean crossing you plan to make, remember that proper planning and careful navigation are the keys to a successful and enjoyable journey.

So do your research, plan ahead, and don’t forget to bring a friend along for the ride!


  1. Number of recorded deaths of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea from 2014 to 2022. Statista
  2. On one of the world’s most dangerous migrant routes, a cartel makes millions off the American dream. CNN
  3. Migration flows on the Central Mediterranean route. Council of the European Union
  4. Mediterranean Sea journeys for migrants have grown more deadly: UNHCR
  6. For Those Crossing the Mediterranean, a Higher Risk of Death. Frontline
  7. Mediterranean Situation, UNHCR Data
  8. The most common Mediterranean migration paths into Europe have changed since 2009. Pew Research Center
  9. Mediterranean Migration. MSF

Are you stuck between getting ready to set sail and start exploring this incredible region of the world or staying on in your home country?

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