Soft Launch Recap

A follow up from the Solice community on our successful soft launch.

4 min readMay 27, 2022

The wait is over! As most of you know on Saturday, May the 14th we launched a beta version of our game. Over 20 of our most engaged and dedicated Solicians successfully participated in the Soft Launch. Scroll down to find out what happened during the live stream of the launch, read users’ first impressions of the game, and learn more about our development plan of the Solice Metaverse!

First impression! User logged in with their NFT avatar.

What went down

We’re happy and proud to report that the vast majority of users enjoyed playing the game and overall had a very positive experience. A lot of our participants were quite pleasantly surprised with how advanced and polished the game was, given that it is still a work in progress. As one of the Solicians put it :

“Looks great guys, better design than I expected!”

Beta user testing out first person view vs third person view.

Naturally, as with any beta, some users reported bugs that they stumbled upon. It was to be expected as bugs are an integral part of the development process — check out our Journey of a Startup article, which touches on the process of game development.

Beta user using a VR headset during the beta launch

Some users other than playing and interacting with each other were also watching and listening to the Discord livestream of the demo, during which our Lead Architect Bob had an in-depth conversation with one of the participants, Sydou. Bob touched more on our plans for further developing the game, and (potential) features that users might expect to be implemented in the future. A lot of you found this conversation very interesting and productive, and we would love to make those types of interactions with the community more frequent.

Developer’s insights on the Launch

Some of you have wondered why some users ran into difficulties while trying to play the game, while it seemed to be pretty smooth sailing for others. As one of our developers, Lionel explains:

“Playing this game might be a tad difficult for some as the best-optimized solution for the performance of the game has to be adjusted according to the recommended device setup. As of right now, it is worth remembering that our game is in the relatively early stages of development (we’re only 3 months in!) and one-fits-all is yet to be implemented.”

Users jumping around and testing in-game physics.

What’s next?

We have collected all of the participant’s feedback, read it carefully, and will adapt all the suggestions accordingly.

As we keep on working on further game development our priority, other than fixing those pesky bugs that users have reported (for instance slower avatar interactions and overall movement fluidity), is the optimization of 3D art resources and improving the overall visual aesthetics of Solice Metaverse.

Furthermore, we continue to advance the game system features in order to ensure complete availability; that includes adapting the game to different platforms of PC, Mobile as well as VR. Other than we are also in the process of populating the Metaverse with more activities, including NPCs and expanding in-game interaction capabilities with a friend and trading system. We will also keep on adding more mini games with action elements, as to make the game more dynamic and enjoyable for the players.

Our community rocks

We want to thank all of the Solicians, who participated in the Soft Launch for sharing your feedback with us. It helps us tremendously with advancing our game and making it more user-friendly.

Stay tuned for more updates as each day we keep getting closer to the final prototype of the game!




Enter Solice, cross platform VR #metaverse on the #Solana blockchain.