Solice April Updates — Land Sale, Marketplace, Partnerships, and more!
Solice April Updates — Land Sale, Marketplace, Partnerships, and more!
Land Presale
On the 4th of April, we had our very first Land Presale where only Genesis Avatar Holders got to participate in purchasing 1x1 and 3x3 Land parcels. However, our Avatar Holders are not the only ones who got their hands on some Land as we are happy to announce that we have many new (but not unfamiliar) partners joining our Solice Metaverse!
Solice warmly welcomes Animoca Brands, Lil Baby, SOLBigBrain, Genblock Capital, DROPP, BOOGLE, Boryoku Dragonz, Zillaz, NetZero Capital, and Red Lion Sports Club as our new partners who now own a piece of our Metaverse. We can’t wait for everyone to see how these amazing projects will influence and shape Solice.
We reserved some Land parcels to be sold to parties that are committed and willing to help grow Solice as we want to see more builders and those who are truly passionate about the metaverse enter the space. Partnerships with these like-minded parties will allow us to share resources and collaborate with each other’s projects where we see a potential fit, which will ultimately help us to gain more traction and create a healthy long-term ecosystem of our own.
Not forgetting our partners Space Falcon and xHashtag who have been with us from the start. xHashtags will be introducing the first-of-its-kind Virtual Kiosk known as xKiosks on Solice land and any landowner on Solice can acquire these xKiosks as NFTs or use them to earn an additional stream of income. We have always been exploring how we can incorporate core elements from partner projects into our metaverse, so don’t be surprised if you see Space Falcon mini-games or NFTs around, and be sure to pop by their headquarters when you are in town!
We also launched our first Beta Version of the Solice Interactive map ( for desktop users. Landowners can use it to locate their Land and check out their neighborhood and their fellow neighbors. As we expand and welcome more partnerships, don’t forget to check back for new friends in the metaverse!
Public Land Sale
Our first public Land sale will be happening on the 26th of April at 1:00 PM UTC on our Marketplace. Despite the recent price fluctuations, we have decided to maintain the price of the remaining 1x1 Land parcels at 400 SLC. We have heard your feedback and after a lot of consideration, changing the price would mean pegging SLC to USD which is not what we want. The end goal is to create and establish our own independent economy and currency.
Moving forwards, our Genesis Avatar Holders who participated in the presale will continue to enjoy similar privileges and can expect more of such benefits in the future.
Ever since we started our first wave of Land sales, we have gotten many questions about what Landowners can do with their Land, and how they can start earning from it. One key aspect of owning Land is Land Staking and as the name implies, users can stake SLC on their Land to earn more SLC. As we progress and add in more features, there will be more rewards added such as rare tokenized game assets (NFTs) during special events.
We will also have more staking options available for $SLC, via third-party exchanges or markets, as well as an upcoming staking event similar to our Genesis Staking event.
Our first Public Land sale will be held in our very own Marketplace. To start out, only verified company creators’ items will be listed or minted, while the public can choose to sell, trade, or auction these approved items on our marketplace. Future users can expect to mint their own created objects as NFTs and sell or put them up for auction.
The marketplace was built from scratch with the latest protocol changes in the Metaplex contract with help from the amazing LIQNFT team and their product, Candy Shop. We are happy to announce that we are launching the very first marketplace on Solana that accepts and enables other SPL tokens other than SOL, as all our sales will be in SLC.
The current Metaplex Storefront Marketplace implementation has bugs that were causing listings and auctions with a custom SPL token to fail, resulting in NFTs getting burned across the Solana ecosystem and on many private marketplaces. However, we are one of the few private marketplaces that have successfully navigated through the bugs as they have been addressed in Candy Shop.
This partnership with LIQNFT will help to protect our marketplace and ensure smooth operation as we will be relying on Candy Shop to host our marketplace. For each sale that is conducted on the Solice marketplace, a 1% fee is charged (50% less compared to MagicEden).
-0.8% will go to LIQNFT to cover R&D costs.
-0.2% will go Solice to operate the marketplace.
LIQNFT is a Web3 company that won first place in the 2022 Serum Convergence hackathon and has a lot of experience building solutions on Solana. We look forward to working closely in partnership with them and forming a mutually beneficial relationship.
What’s Next?
We will be hosting two AMAs to address the community’s queries on our Public Land Sale and our Marketplace
· Solice Discord AMA, April 25th 3:30 PM UTC
· Candy Shop AMA on LIQNFT’s Twitter, 28th April 3:30 PM UTC
Soft Launch
Next in line will be our Soft Launch. Everything that has been achieved so far is individual elements of the Solice metaverse, and the Soft Launch is the defining phase that will put everything together. Participants can expect to see their Avatars and Land parcels come to life during the Soft Launch and have a taste of what life will be like in the Solice metaverse.
Thank you Solicians!
We want to sincerely thank our Solicians for their support during the unexpected delays in the Public Land Sale and the launch of the Marketplace. Due to a bug font in the Metaplex storefront, the Marketplace stopped working right before we were about to launch the public sale. This was very unfortunate, not only for us but for all of Solana as many other projects were affected by this. We have worked tirelessly with the LIQNFT Team to replace our marketplace and migrate from the Metaplex storefront to the LIQNFT Candy Shop. We appreciate your patience with us, and we are excited to launch many other events on our Marketplace!
We have also heard feedback for more communications and thus we are setting up a dedicated blog to publish biweekly updates and articles. This will help keep the community informed as well as improve our SEO and brand position. Furthermore, as we go down the roadmap and continue to develop Solice, we are expanding our team to match the work needed to fulfill our goals and objectives.
It would have been hard to accomplish what we have without the support we’ve received from our community. We are truly thankful for the great community we have and will continue to listen to you while we build and grow the Solice Metaverse.
About Solice
Solice is an open 3D world with limitless possibilities: a VR metaverse where users can play, build, own, socialize, and monetize their virtual experiences in an immersive way on the Solana blockchain. Solice is the interconnected metaverse of virtual worlds, NFTs, and communities. With the aim to improve the overall user experience, connecting them through interoperability across the metaverse.
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