Solice Metaverse - The First Land Sale

4 min readMar 17, 2022


Solice is delighted to announce the highly anticipated land sale where users will be able to immerse themselves into the virtual environments. launching in the last week of March.

The first wave of Solice Land sale

As the current technology trend shifts towards the metaverse, virtual real estate has become a highly sought-after asset, with some even transacting at real-world prices. In 2021, Sandbox reported a $4.3 million land sale, with Decentraland coming in second with a $2.4 million land sale of their own.

The Solice metaverse will have 60,000 pieces of Land for sale in total. Each Land is represented by a square and will come in various sizes of 1x1, 3x3, 6x6, 9x9, and 12x12. With each square (1x1) measuring 16 meters by 16 meters.

All sizes of the Lands will be available for both individual users as institutional investors and parties, while 12x12 Lands are only available for selected partners from Solice.

Now that we are beginning land sales, we will be releasing new parts of The Solice metaverse in waves, starting with 1,200 Parcels (2,765 lands) in this first wave. Each wave will feature different amounts, prices, content, and partners, so stay tuned for news on upcoming waves in the future!

Available Lands for wave #1

Our Land sale is scheduled for the end of March, and future landowners can look forward to utilizing their Land for revenue generation. Landowners will also have full creative control over their virtual real estate and can decide if they want to design their own revenue model or create a free and accessible haven for users that simply want to enjoy the game. It is also possible to earn revenue in the form of Land staking, where users simply stake their SLC tokens on the Lands that they own to earn rewards like rare digital assets that can be used to enhance their gameplay.

Solice Marketplace

Preview of the Solice marketplace (WIP)

Along with the land sale, we will also be launching the Solice marketplace. This will be our marketplace built on top of the Metaplex standards. The marketplace will enable users to buy and sell all official NFTs released by Solice. The standard currency that the marketplace is using will be the $SLC token.

To celebrate the launch, we will offer 0% listing and transaction fees for all users using the Solice marketplace in the current early phase of Solice.

The first wave of the land sales will commence on our Solice Marketplace, and with such limited Land space up for grabs, you can also expect additional twists that may come in the form of an auction-based sale. Time to get your bid cards ready!

Genesis Avatar NFT Benefits

Now let’s take a glimpse into the benefits for our Genesis Avatar NFT holders, the Holder’s Benefits include but are not limited to the next points:

- Whitelist(WL) spot for land, the NFT holders get a guaranteed chance to acquire one piece of land parcel in the first wave of the land sale.

- Private discord channel exclusive to the NFT holders.

- Higher staking pool reward (To be released)

- Exclusive future Solice merchandise giveaway

- More benefits TBA

What will come next?

The Solice team will be regularly announcing new waves of LAND sales so follow us on social media to stay up to date.

To buy a LAND, you will need to follow these 3 steps:

1. Set up your wallet (We recommend Phantom Wallet)

2. Get $SLC on Gate, Huobi, Raydium or Orca

3. Buy LAND on The Solice Marketplace (Make sure you are there on time!)

About Solice

Solice is an open 3D world with limitless possibilities: a VR metaverse where users can play, build, own, socialize, and monetize their virtual experiences in an immersive way on the Solana blockchain. Solice is the interconnected metaverse of virtual worlds, NFTs, and communities. With the aim to improve the overall user experience, connecting them through interoperability across the metaverse.

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Enter Solice, cross platform VR #metaverse on the #Solana blockchain.