Welcome Space Falcon to the Solice Metaverse

2 min readJan 20, 2022


Solice is delighted to have Space Falcon joining the Solice Metaverse. Through our collaboration, Space Falcon has become one of the first tenants in Solice, which means that a virtual Space Falcon HQ will be placed in the public Area, near the plaza where all users can visit and explore.

We are further exploring deeper technical integrations with Space Falcon, such as bridging a portal to Space Falcon game and vice versa. Granting our community members to have easier access into each other’s metaverse, and enabling Space Falcon NFTs to be purchasable in the future on the Solice NFT marketplaces. This partnership establishes a communication bridge between the teams to explore further into a multi-angle collaboration between the two metaverse and interoperability possibilities.

About Space Falcon

Space Falcon is a next-gen Intergalactic metaverse featuring the classic space shooter game and premium Sci-Fi NFTs from cosmos and beyond. Built on Solana Ecosystem for fast and low-cost transactions to ensure a lightning-fast experience for your space adventures.

About Solice

Solice is an open 3D world with limitless possibilities: a VR metaverse where users can play, build, own, socialize, and monetize their virtual experiences in an immersive way on the Solana blockchain. Solice is the interconnected metaverse of virtual worlds, NFTs, and communities. With the aim to improve the overall user experience, connecting them through interoperability across the metaverse. Follow Solice on social media to stay up to date with all the latest developments.

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Enter Solice, cross platform VR #metaverse on the #Solana blockchain.