Reportback: Jason Kessler Returns to UVA Law Library for the Second Time in a Week

Law School and UVA Continue to Allow White Supremacist Terror on Grounds

Solidarity Cville
5 min readApr 27, 2018

SIGN THE PETITION from UVA students: Ban Torch Ralliers From UVA

JOIN THE RALLY at the Rotunda today at 1pm: Show Up at the BOV to Ban Kessler

UPDATE April 27, 10AM:

UVA has issued a No Trespass Warning to ban Jason Kessler from University property. Congratulations to student and faculty organizers for moving the University into action. The next step for the University to meet student demands is to issue similar No Trespass Warnings against the other white supremacists at the August 11 torch rally.


UVA law students and supporting community members rapidly mobilized to confront a white supremacist in the UVA Law Library again this Wednesday, April 25. Approximately 40 people showed up to respond to the specific threat of violence that this particular white supremacist poses on grounds to UVA students. Members of the community have been putting everything on the line to keep this community safe, forced to to because the University continues to do nothing.

UVA has done nothing since Kessler’s appearance last Wednesday, and UVA has done nothing in the 259 days since August 11’s violent Nazi torch rally on Grounds.

Photo: The black slate of the Freedom of Speech Wall in downtown Charlottesville with the words, “JASON KESSLER IS A NAZI” written in all-caps in yellow chalk.

Prior to Kessler’s reappearance at the Law Library, the University Police Department (UPD) issued this new trespassing policy, and item #4 under its Policy Statement section explicitly gives the UPD authority to issue a trespass warning to:

a person who has engaged in… conduct that threatens the health, safety, or property of a member of the University or its Medical Center community, a patient or visitor at the Medical Center or other persons on University or Medical Center property.

Kessler’s August 11, 2017 torch rally on Grounds is well-documented: multiple students and community members were recorded being beaten by rally participants that night. Kessler is an undeniable offender according to Wednesday’s newly-issued trespass policy and should have been banned from campus on sight.

Photo: Wednesday, April 18 at the UVA Law Library: a person holding up a sign reading ‘BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS’ behind Jason Kessler, who can be seen in the foreground from the neck up. Also in the photo, another person with their phone pointed in Kessler’s direction. From C-Ville Weekly.

However, UVA did not issue a No Trespass Order against Kessler (and still has not!). This is what happened instead:

Solidarity Cville posted an urgent call-to-action on Twitter once we were notified of Kessler’s arrival at the library. Students and community members responded immediately.

Photo: Wednesday April 25 at UVA Law Library: Three police officers in uniform standing in the hallway facing a group of concerned community members. There is another man visible standing behind them. They were reported to be blocking the entry to a private office provided to Jason Kessler, a white supremacist organizer of the August 11 and 12 fascist attacks on Charlottesville.

Solidarity Cville received this photo (above) shortly after the call-to-action was issued. UVA police were now blocking the entryway to a private office provided to Kessler, seemingly so he could conduct legal research without being reminded of the extensive damage he does to this community. In the meantime, a library staff member was asked to leave his own workplace.

Photo: Screen capture of a Solidarity Cville tweet which states, “@UVALawLibrary employee (targeted by Kessler) is now being pressured to leave their workplace b/c the nazi who organized violent torch rally attacking students needs to do legal research.”

Shortly after Kessler was ensconced within the private office, community member Eric Martin attempted to sit with Kessler to read his own book (“The Rise and Fall of Apartheid”). But UVA authorities ordered Eric to leave. And when Eric attempted to assert his right to the same sanctuary that Kessler enjoyed, he was arrested for trespassing. On re-reading the UPD’s new trespass policy — again, issued earlier that same day — it is not clear how Eric was violating any part of the policy.

Kessler, however, remained undisturbed by authorities in the library until he was ready to leave of his own accord. Once Kessler finished his readings, he was swiftly escorted out through an emergency exit by the kkkops who had earlier been guarding the door to his private study. As they say:

Photo: hands holding a sign that reads, “KOPS AND THE KLAN GO HAND IN HAND”, taken at the July 8, 2017 Klan rally in Charlottesville. Found on Twitter at:

Throughout this incident, community members called and sent email messages to multiple University administrators to demand Kessler’s immediate removal. Those calls went unheeded.

In the aftermath, the University Law School announced a ban of all non-law students for the next two weeks, effective immediately. But our community knows what’s really up:

Lisa Woolfork, an organizer with Black Lives Matter-Charlottesville:

About the Law Library “ban:” It isn’t.

Local news is reporting that Kessler has been banned from the UVA Law Library. That is false.

Don’t believe the hype. This is NOT a No Trespass Order.

1. The law library routinely bars the public during the two week final exam period. This is not news, not a reaction to Kessler, the Law School bans the public every year during exams. It’s standard practice. Everyone should be concerned that the President’s Office and other UVA peeps are promoting this as an innovation when it’s absolutely not.

2. There is no indication that this action will last beyond two weeks. Nor should it.

3. The PUBLIC doesn’t need to be barred from the library; KESSLER needs to be barred from the library.

4. A protester was arrested yesterday. And banned from campus. So see? It’s not so hard. If you protest Nazis, or are homeless and nap in the library, UVA will ban you too. On the other hand, UVA rolls out the red carpet for white supremacists: private office, concierge library research service, and 3 officers at the door.

5. I believe UVA and the Law School are hoping to weather this bad press and resume its regularly scheduled white supremacists support program free from the gaze brought by students.

6. TL;DR Kessler not banned, but The Public is. For 2 weeks. Like normal. Nothing to celebrate.

UVA has a long journey of truth and reconciliation ahead. Immediately, students and community members are calling for UVA to ISSUE A NO TRESPASS ORDER against Jason Kessler and all the organizers of and participants in the August 11 torch march on UVA. Here are two ways to support the call for a No Trespass Order:

Today, Friday April 27th, 1:00–3:00PM: Rally at UVA Rotunda

A coalition of UVA student groups will host a rally outside the UVA Rotunda during the Board of Visitors meeting today to demand that UVA issue a No Trespassing Order against Jason Kessler and all other white supremacists who participated in the August 11th torch rally.

Sign the petition from UVA students to Ban torch ralliers from UVA:

and share it with all concerned UVA students, staff, alum, and other community members.




Solidarity Cville

Solidarity Cville generates local, accessible, and community-centered media that amplify the marginalized voices of Charlottesville, VA.