#100DaysOfSolidity #081 Deploying Different Contracts at the Same Address: A Solidity Deep Dive 🚀

Solidity Academy
7 min readAug 26, 2023

Greetings, fellow Ethereum enthusiasts! In this installment of the #100DaysOfSolidity series, we’re diving headfirst into an intriguing topic that might make you raise an eyebrow: Deploying Different Contracts at the Same Address. 🤯

#100DaysOfSolidity #081 Deploying Different Contracts at the Same Address

Unraveling the Enigma

When you think of deploying smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, the concept of each contract having its own unique address probably comes to mind. After all, Ethereum relies on these addresses to distinguish between different contracts, right? Well, what if I told you that it’s possible to deploy multiple contracts at the same address? 🤔

This might sound like magic, but it’s actually a result of how Ethereum handles smart contract storage and code separation. To demystify this process, we’ll explore the mechanics behind it and provide you with real code examples to solidify your understanding.

The Underlying Mechanism: Contract Creation and Address Derivation

At the heart of Ethereum’s contract deployment lies the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). When you deploy a contract, you’re essentially creating a new address for it on the blockchain. This address is determined based on various factors, including the sender’s address and the nonce (a number used only once) of the sender’s account. These factors ensure that each contract deployed has a unique address.

However, there’s a quirk in the way Ethereum calculates these addresses. The process involves creating a new address based on the sender’s address and the sender’s account nonce, but the address isn’t actually assigned until the contract creation transaction is mined. This creates a window of opportunity to manipulate the process and deploy multiple contracts with the same address.

The Exploit: Playing with Nonces

To deploy different contracts at the same address, we can exploit the nonce mechanism. By carefully managing the nonce of the sender’s account, we can trick Ethereum into generating the same address for multiple contract deployments. Here’s a simplified overview of how the exploit works:

1. Deploy the first contract normally. The nonce is now at 1.
2. Deploy the second contract, but manually set the nonce to 1. Ethereum will think this is a replacement for the first contract, effectively overwriting it.
3. VoilĂ ! The second contract is now deployed at the same address as the first one.

This might sound like a sneaky trick, but it’s essential to understand that this process has its limitations and implications. For example, the original contract’s code and storage will be replaced, potentially leading to unintended behavior or even bricking the contract.

Code Implementation: Putting Theory into Practice

Let’s dive into some code to better understand this concept. Below is a simple example of two contracts that we’ll deploy at the same address using the nonce exploit.

// Contract A
contract ContractA {
uint256 public value;
constructor(uint256 _value) {
value = _value;
// Contract B
contract ContractB {
string public message;
constructor(string memory _message) {
message = _message;

In a real scenario, you’d compile and deploy these contracts separately. But for the sake of this demonstration, let’s simulate the process using a deployment script:

// Deployment Script
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./ContractA.sol";
import "./ContractB.sol";
contract DeploymentScript {
function deployContracts() external {
// Deploy Contract A with nonce 1
address contractAAddress = address(new ContractA(42));

// Deploy Contract B with nonce 1
address contractBAddress = address(new ContractB("Hello, world!"));

In this simulation, both Contract A and Contract B are deployed with nonce 1, essentially “replacing” each other at the same address. Keep in mind that this is a controlled environment, and deploying contracts in a real Ethereum network requires careful consideration and testing.

The Art of Ethical Hacking: White Hat vs. Black Hat

As exciting as this exploit may seem, it’s crucial to emphasize the ethical considerations. While the concept of deploying different contracts at the same address showcases a fascinating quirk in Ethereum’s mechanics, using it for malicious purposes can have severe consequences.

The blockchain community values security and transparency, and deliberately manipulating the contract deployment process to cause harm or steal funds is considered unethical and illegal. Instead, ethical hackers, known as white hat hackers, play a critical role in identifying and patching vulnerabilities to enhance the security of the ecosystem.

Testing and Security Measures: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Now that we’ve unraveled this unconventional technique, it’s vital to discuss how to defend against such exploits. Solidity developers and smart contract auditors should follow best practices to minimize the risk of falling victim to such attacks:

  1. Code Audits: Conduct thorough code audits to identify vulnerabilities before deployment.
    2. Automated Tools: Leverage automated tools to analyze contract code for potential exploits.
    3. Gas Cost Monitoring: Keep an eye on gas costs and unexpected increases, which might indicate contract replacement.
    4. Nonce Management: Pay close attention to nonce management, and avoid predictable nonce patterns.

đź”’ Report: Exploring Unconventional Ethereum Contract Deployments đź”’

In this report, we’ll delve into a unique and intriguing scenario involving Ethereum smart contract deployments that may raise eyebrows among the Ethereum community. We’ll examine the code provided, which showcases an inventive approach to manipulating contract deployments, and discuss the potential security implications that come with it.


The provided code presents a complex interaction between different contracts, leading to a scenario where multiple contracts are deployed at the same address. The process involves a series of steps orchestrated by both a legitimate user (referred to as “Alice”) and a malicious actor (referred to as the “Attacker”).

Contract Interaction Flow

1. Deploy DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization): A DAO contract is deployed by Alice. This contract serves as a governance mechanism for proposals and execution.

2. Deploy DeployerDeployer: The Attacker deploys a contract called DeployerDeployer. This contract is responsible for deploying another contract called Deployer.

3. Execute DeployerDeployer.deploy(): The Attacker then triggers the deploy function within DeployerDeployer, which deploys an instance of the Deployer contract using a specific salt value.

4. Execute Deployer.deployProposal(): The Attacker proceeds to execute the deployProposal function within the Deployer contract, leading to the deployment of a Proposal contract instance.

5. DAO Approval of Proposal: Alice approves the Proposal contract using the DAO’s approve function, marking it as an approved target for execution.

6. Delete Proposal and Deployer: The Attacker deletes both the Proposal and Deployer contracts.

7. Re-deploy Deployer: The Attacker re-deploys the Deployer contract.

8. Execute Deployer.deployAttack(): The Attacker executes the deployAttack function within the Deployer contract, resulting in the deployment of an Attack contract instance.

9. Execute DAO.execute: The Attacker triggers the execute function within the DAO contract, which delegates a call to the Proposal contract’s executeProposal function.

10. Check DAO.owner: The Attacker checks whether the DAO’s owner has been set to the Attacker’s address via the Attack contract’s executeProposal function.

Security Implications

The provided code demonstrates a clever exploitation of Ethereum’s contract deployment mechanics. While this showcases the flexibility of Solidity and the Ethereum Virtual Machine, it’s essential to highlight several security concerns:

1. Unauthorized Operations: The Attacker can deploy and execute contracts without proper authorization, undermining the intended control mechanisms.

2. DAO Manipulation: By leveraging the exploit, the Attacker could potentially manipulate the DAO’s decision-making process and take control.

3. Code Replacement: The exploit involves overwriting existing contracts, leading to unintended behavior and potential security vulnerabilities.


To mitigate the security risks associated with this unconventional deployment technique, several recommendations should be considered:

1. Nonce Management: Ethereum developers should implement proper nonce management to prevent nonce manipulation and unauthorized contract deployments.

2. Access Control: Contracts must implement access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized parties can deploy and interact with contracts.

3. Code Audits: Perform comprehensive code audits to identify vulnerabilities, ensuring that contract interactions adhere to the intended behavior.

4. Automated Testing: Conduct extensive automated testing to identify potential exploits and vulnerabilities before deploying contracts on the Ethereum mainnet.

In Conclusion; The provided code example showcases an innovative manipulation of Ethereum’s contract deployment mechanism, revealing the intricate interplay between smart contracts. While this technique underscores the versatility of Ethereum development, it also highlights the importance of maintaining security best practices to safeguard the ecosystem from malicious activities. Developers and auditors must stay vigilant, embracing innovative approaches while maintaining the integrity and security of the blockchain environment.

đź”’ Stay secure, stay curious, and happy coding! đź”’

Conclusion: Embracing the Unconventional

In the world of blockchain and Ethereum, the unconventional often becomes the foundation for innovation. The ability to deploy different contracts at the same address is a testament to the complexity and ingenuity behind this technology. As you venture into the realm of Solidity development, remember that understanding these quirks not only deepens your knowledge but also empowers you to create more secure and robust smart contracts.

So, fellow developers, keep exploring, keep innovating, and always stay curious! 🌟🔒📜

Happy coding! 💻🚀

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