#100DaysOfSolidity #082 Exploring Hacks & Tests with Echidna in Solidity Smart Contracts

#100DaysOfSolidity Hacks & Tests 082 : “Echidna”

Solidity Academy
6 min readAug 27, 2023

Welcome to the 82nd installment of the #100DaysOfSolidity series! In this edition, we’re diving into the fascinating world of smart contract testing and security with a focus on Echidna — a powerful tool that brings a unique approach to identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring the robustness of your Solidity smart contracts. 🚀

#100DaysOfSolidity #082 Exploring Hacks & Tests with Echidna in Solidity Smart Contracts

Understanding Echidna

Echidna is not your ordinary testing framework; it’s a property-based testing tool specifically designed for Ethereum smart contracts. Property-based testing goes beyond traditional unit testing by generating random test cases to check if certain properties hold true across a wide range of inputs. Echidna leverages this approach to automatically generate test cases and evaluate your smart contracts for various vulnerabilities.

🎯 Why Echidna?

Traditional unit tests are often limited in their ability to uncover edge cases and vulnerabilities that might not be immediately apparent. Echidna’s property-based testing, on the other hand, excels at finding corner cases and obscure bugs that can be missed by traditional testing methods. By exploring a broader range of scenarios, Echidna helps developers identify potential security vulnerabilities before they become critical issues.

Getting Started with Echidna

Before we dive into the code, let’s set up Echidna:

  1. Installation: Start by installing Echidna via the following command:
pip install echidna

2. Writing Contracts: For demonstration purposes, we’ll use a simple token contract. Here’s a basic example:

// SimpleToken.sol
// A basic ERC20 token contract
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract SimpleToken {
string public name;
string public symbol;
uint8 public decimals;
uint256 public totalSupply;
mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint8 _decimals, uint256 _totalSupply) {
name = _name;
symbol = _symbol;
decimals = _decimals;
totalSupply = _totalSupply;
balanceOf[msg.sender] = _totalSupply;

Property-Based Testing with Echidna

Now, let’s dive into the interesting part: property-based testing with Echidna! In this example, we’ll focus on testing the `SimpleToken` contract.

  1. Importing Echidna: Import Echidna and the contract you want to test at the beginning of your test script:
import "echidna.sol";
import "./SimpleToken.sol";

2. Defining Properties: Echidna allows you to define properties that your contract should satisfy. Let’s create a simple property to ensure that the total supply of tokens is always greater than zero:

contract TestSimpleToken {
function test_totalSupplyGreaterThanZero() public {
SimpleToken token = new SimpleToken("Test Token", "TEST", 18, 1000);
assert(token.totalSupply() > 0);

In this test, Echidna will generate random instances of the `SimpleToken` contract and verify that the `totalSupply` is always greater than zero.

3. Running Echidna: Run Echidna on your test script using the following command:

echidna-test test_simple_token.sol

Echidna will generate test cases, execute them, and report any violations of the defined properties.

Advanced Strategies with Echidna

Echidna offers more advanced features for testing complex contracts and identifying vulnerabilities:

1. Fuzz Testing: Echidna’s property-based testing can be used for fuzz testing. It generates a large number of random inputs to identify unexpected behaviors and vulnerabilities.

2. Stateful Properties: Echidna allows you to define stateful properties that involve interactions between multiple function calls. This is particularly useful for testing contract interactions and edge cases.

3. Custom Strategies: You can implement custom testing strategies to guide Echidna’s test generation process. This is helpful for targeting specific contract behaviors or scenarios.

🔍 Echidna Testing Report: Exploring Solidity Smart Contracts

📋 In this report, we delve into the world of smart contract testing using the innovative tool Echidna. Echidna introduces a unique approach to testing by utilizing property-based testing to identify vulnerabilities, verify assertions, and ensure the robustness of Solidity smart contracts.

🛠️ Tested Contracts

1. Counter Contract: The `Counter` contract features two external functions, `inc()` and `dec()`, that respectively increment and decrement the `count` variable. We explored various scenarios to evaluate the effectiveness of Echidna in detecting potential issues.

2. TestCounter Contract: Extending the `Counter` contract, `TestCounter` defines additional functions for Echidna tests. It includes both true and false assertions, as well as a property-based test to ensure that the `count` variable remains less than or equal to 5 after executing various increments.

3. TestAssert Contract: The `TestAssert` contract showcases the use of assertions in testing. It contains an assertion test that checks if a given input is less than 10, and a more complex example involving a custom `abs()` function with corresponding assertions.

🔬 Testing Results and Observations

1. Counter Contract:
— Echidna successfully executed tests on the `Counter` contract, verifying the basic functionality of the `inc()` and `dec()` functions without encountering any issues.

2. TestCounter Contract:
— Echidna effectively identified the true and false assertions as intended. This validates Echidna’s ability to handle both successful and failed assertions.
— The property-based test to ensure that the `count` variable remains less than or equal to 5 produced interesting results. Echidna’s intelligent testing strategy managed to expose the vulnerability where the `count` variable exceeded the defined threshold after repeated increments.

3. TestAssert Contract:
— The assertion test within the `TestAssert` contract was conducted successfully. Echidna exhibited its ability to identify failed assertions, providing developers with insights into potential issues that might arise during contract execution.
— The more complex example involving the custom `abs()` function and assertions displayed Echidna’s aptitude in handling intricate scenarios. Echidna detected situations where assertions did not hold true, providing valuable feedback on contract behavior.

🧠 Key Takeaways

- Echidna’s property-based testing approach allows for the identification of edge cases and vulnerabilities that might not be immediately apparent through traditional testing methods.
- The tool successfully handles both true and false assertions, aiding developers in verifying expected outcomes.
- Echidna’s testing strategy is capable of exposing vulnerabilities in property-based tests, helping developers discover potential weaknesses in contract logic.
- Assertions play a crucial role in contract testing, and Echidna effectively detects cases where assertions fail to hold true.

🚀 In Conclusion; Echidna stands as a powerful and innovative tool in the realm of smart contract testing. Its property-based testing approach, coupled with the ability to handle assertions and complex scenarios, provides developers with a unique avenue to enhance the security and reliability of their Solidity smart contracts. By incorporating Echidna into their testing workflows, developers can unearth hidden vulnerabilities and ensure the robustness of their codebase. This report highlights Echidna’s prowess and underscores its potential to revolutionize smart contract development.

Remember, the journey of building secure and efficient decentralized applications is ever-evolving, and tools like Echidna contribute significantly to this endeavor. Embrace innovation, explore new testing techniques, and keep honing your skills to navigate the exciting world of blockchain technology! 🌐🛡️🔒


Echidna brings a fresh perspective to smart contract testing by leveraging property-based testing techniques. Its ability to explore a wide range of inputs and identify vulnerabilities sets it apart from traditional testing approaches. By incorporating Echidna into your Solidity development workflow, you can enhance the security and reliability of your smart contracts. 🛡️ So why not give it a try and embark on a journey of robust contract testing and security? Happy coding!

Remember, the world of smart contract development is constantly evolving, and tools like Echidna contribute significantly to its growth. Stay curious, keep learning, and continue exploring new ways to build secure and efficient decentralized applications! 🌐📈

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