#100DaysOfSolidity 🚀💹 Gasless Token Transfer: Unleashing the Power of Meta Transactions in Solidity 🎩🔮

Embracing Gasless Token Transfers ⛽

Solidity Academy
7 min readJul 28, 2023

Welcome to this exciting journey into the world of gasless token transfers with a magical twist of Meta transactions! 🪄 If you’re passionate about blockchain development and the Ethereum ecosystem, you’re in for a treat! We’ll explore how to perform gasless ERC20 token transfers using Solidity and the power of Meta transactions to simplify the user experience. 🏎️💨

🚀💹 Gasless Token Transfer: Unleashing the Power of Meta Transactions in Solidity 🎩🔮

The Challenge of Gas Fees 🛑

In the Ethereum blockchain, every transaction requires gas, which is paid in Ether to compensate the network nodes for their computational efforts. However, this can create obstacles for users who don’t have enough Ether to cover the gas fees or those unfamiliar with the intricacies of blockchain operations. 😫

But fear not! Gasless token transfers, often referred to as “Meta transactions,” are here to save the day. This ingenious solution allows users to perform token transfers without the need to pay gas fees in Ether directly. Instead, a third party, like a smart contract or a relayer, covers the gas fees, making the process seamless and hassle-free. 🔄💳

The Enchanting World of Meta Transactions 🧙

Meta transactions involve an enchanting dance between smart contracts and off-chain components to make gasless token transfers possible. Let’s embark on this magical journey and unravel the spellbinding steps: 🚪🪄

1. User Signs a Message: 📝

When a user desires to perform a gasless token transfer, they create a Meta transaction by signing a message with their private key. This message contains all the essential transaction details.

2. Entrusting the Relayer: 💌

The signed Meta transaction is then entrusted to a relayer, the magical intermediaries of the blockchain realm. The relayer takes on the responsibility of submitting the Meta transaction to the blockchain on behalf of the user. Of course, they receive rewards, either in the form of transaction fees or other incentives, for their service.

3. Validation by Smart Contract: 🔍

A wise smart contract residing on the blockchain examines the Meta transaction’s signature, verifying its authenticity to prevent any malicious sorcery.

4. Gas Compensation: 💰

Since the relayer executes the transaction, they pay the gas fee in Ether upfront. In return, they can charge the user in tokens or through other means, ensuring a harmonious exchange of magical energies.

5. Token Transfer: 🚚

With the Meta transaction verified, the smart contract waves its wand and gracefully executes the token transfer from the sender to the recipient. Voilà! The gasless token transfer spell is complete! 🎉

Solidity Incantations: Coding the Magic 💻🧙‍♂️

To dive into the practical aspect of this enchantment, let’s assume we have a basic ERC20 token smart contract already deployed on the Ethereum network. If you don’t have one, you can easily create a simple ERC20 token contract using the OpenZeppelin library or craft one from scratch.

Our Solidity spellbook begins with defining the necessary data structures and events:

// Import the required libraries
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
contract GaslessTokenTransfer {
// Structure to hold the Meta transaction details
struct MetaTransaction {
address from;
address to;
uint256 amount;
uint256 nonce;
// Mapping to store used nonces to prevent replay attacks
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public usedNonces;
// ERC20 token contract instance
IERC20 private tokenContract;
// Event for successful token transfer
event TokenTransfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

Our spellbook is taking shape! Now, let’s weave the spellbinding function for users to initiate the Meta transaction:

contract GaslessTokenTransfer {
// …
// Function to initiate the Meta transaction
function initiateMetaTransaction(
address to,
uint256 amount,
uint256 nonce,
bytes calldata signature
) external {
require(!usedNonces[msg.sender][nonce], "Nonce already used");

// Recover the signer's address from the signature
address signer = recoverSigner(nonce, to, amount, signature);
// Ensure the signer is the sender of the Meta transaction
require(signer == msg.sender, "Invalid signature");
// Mark the nonce as used to prevent replay attacks
usedNonces[msg.sender][nonce] = true;
// Perform the token transfer
tokenContract.transferFrom(msg.sender, to, amount);
emit TokenTransfer(msg.sender, to, amount);
// Function to recover the signer's address from the signature
function recoverSigner(
uint256 nonce,
address to,
uint256 amount,
bytes memory signature
) private pure returns (address) {
// Implementation of signature recovery (e.g., using ECDSA)
// …
// …

Our Solidity spellbook now contains the `initiateMetaTransaction` function, which users can invoke to perform gasless token transfers. This powerful function takes the recipient’s address, the amount of tokens to transfer, the nonce, and the signature as inputs.

The magical `recoverSigner` function extracts the signer’s address from the provided signature. The signer must indeed be the sender of the Meta transaction to ensure the spell is cast correctly.

Furthermore, our spellbook employs a mapping named `usedNonces` to ward off any potential replay attacks.

Unleashing the Magic: Gasless Token Transfers for Everyone! ⚡🏦

Gasless token transfers with Meta transactions unleash the full potential of blockchain applications, making them more accessible and user-friendly. By eliminating the need for users to possess Ether or worry about gas fees, we can invite more people into this magical realm. 🌌🌟

This article has provided you with a unique and enchanting journey into the technical implementation of gasless token transfers using Solidity and Meta transactions. From crafting the Meta transaction to verifying signatures and executing token transfers, you now possess a powerful arsenal of magical knowledge. Use it wisely! 🧙‍♂️✨

Remember, this is just one path through the forest of possibilities. You can further explore other variations, add security charms, or integrate this magic into your decentralized applications (dApps) to provide your users with an extraordinary experience.

Now, my fellow wizards and witches, it’s your turn to wield the power of Meta transactions and create a blockchain world where everyone can perform gasless token transfers with ease. Happy coding and may your Solidity spells always be successful! 🚀💻🪄

📚 Analysis of Smart Contracts: GaslessTokenTransfer & ERC20Permit 🕵️‍♂️📝

In this analysis, we’ll delve into the two smart contracts:

GaslessTokenTransfer and ERC20Permit. We’ll explore their functionalities and understand how they work together to facilitate gasless token transfers with permit functionality.

1. GaslessTokenTransfer Contract

GaslessTokenTransfer Contract

This contract provides a mechanism for gasless token transfers by using the permit functionality of ERC20 tokens.


- `send`: This external function is the heart of the contract. It enables users to perform gasless token transfers from one address to another. The function takes the following parameters:
— `token`: The address of the ERC20 token contract.
— `sender`: The address of the sender who initiates the transfer.
— `receiver`: The address of the recipient who will receive the tokens.
— `amount`: The amount of tokens to be transferred.
— `fee`: The amount of tokens to be deducted as a fee for the service.
— `deadline`: The deadline (timestamp) by which the permit signature must be submitted.
— `v`, `r`, `s`: Components of the permit signature.

2. ERC20Permit Contract

ERC20Permit Contract

This contract is an implementation of ERC20 with added support for the EIP-2612 permit function, which allows gasless approvals of token transfers.

Inherited from ERC20:

- `name`, `symbol`, `decimals`: Variables storing the token’s name, symbol, and decimal places respectively.
- `totalSupply`: The total supply of the token.
- `balanceOf`: A mapping that holds the balance of each address.
- `allowance`: A mapping that stores the allowed token amounts for each owner and spender.


- `Transfer`: Emitted when tokens are transferred between addresses.
- `Approval`: Emitted when an approval for token transfer is set.


- `approve`: Allows the owner to approve another address (`spender`) to spend tokens on their behalf.
- `transfer`: Enables the sender to transfer tokens to another address.
- `transferFrom`: Allows an approved spender to transfer tokens from the owner’s account.
- `permit`: Implements the EIP-2612 permit function, allowing gasless approvals. This function takes the following parameters:
— `owner`: The address of the token owner granting approval.
— `spender`: The address of the spender being approved.
— `value`: The amount of tokens approved.
— `deadline`: The deadline (timestamp) by which the permit signature must be submitted.
— `v`, `r`, `s`: Components of the permit signature.

Key Observations:

1. The GaslessTokenTransfer contract acts as a middleman for executing gasless token transfers. It utilizes the permit functionality of ERC20 tokens, allowing users to approve token transfers without directly paying for gas.

2. The ERC20Permit contract extends ERC20, inheriting its functions and state variables. It adds the permit function, which enhances the token’s gasless functionality.

3. The permit function in ERC20Permit follows the EIP-2612 standard, enabling gasless approvals with a single signature.

4. Both contracts utilize the ERC20 interface, defined by the IERC20Permit interface.


The GaslessTokenTransfer and ERC20Permit contracts work together harmoniously to empower users with gasless token transfer capabilities. The ERC20Permit contract provides a modern and gas-efficient implementation of ERC20, while the GaslessTokenTransfer contract allows users to execute token transfers without worrying about gas fees, thanks to the permit function.

This gasless approach to token transfers not only enhances the user experience but also encourages wider adoption of decentralized applications by reducing barriers for users unfamiliar with the complexities of blockchain gas payments. The implementation follows industry best practices, making it a reliable and secure solution for gasless token transfers. 🚀💸



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