#100DaysOfSolidity Understanding Function Modifiers in Solidity: Enhancing Security and Functionality ✨🔒 #20

#100DaysOfSolidity Series 020 “Function Modifiers”

Solidity Academy
5 min readJul 3, 2023

Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum smart contracts, offers a powerful feature known as function modifiers. 🚀 These modifiers allow developers to run code before and/or after a function call, enabling them to restrict access, validate inputs, and guard against reentrancy attacks. In this article, we will take a deep dive into function modifiers in Solidity and explore their various use cases.

#100DaysOfSolidity Understanding Function Modifiers in Solidity: Enhancing Security and Functionality ✨🔒

Let’s unlock the potential of function modifiers and level up our smart contract development skills! 🎓💪

🔒 *Restricting Access with Modifiers*

Modifiers play a vital role in enforcing access control within smart contracts. They enable developers to restrict certain functions or operations to specific individuals or entities. Let’s delve into an example using the `FunctionModifier` contract: 📝

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
contract FunctionModifier {
address public owner;
uint public x = 10;
bool public locked;
constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Not owner");
// Rest of the contract…

Within the `FunctionModifier` contract, we define the `onlyOwner` modifier. This modifier checks whether the caller of a function is the owner of the contract. If the condition fails, the function call will revert with the error message “Not owner.” The underscore (`_`) symbol within the modifier indicates where the remaining function code should execute.

To apply the `onlyOwner` modifier to a function, simply place it before the function definition: ✨

function changeOwner(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner {
owner = _newOwner;

Now, only the contract owner can call the `changeOwner` function and update the `owner` variable. By employing this technique, we can enforce access control and protect sensitive operations within our smart contracts. 🛡️🔐

✅ *Validating Inputs with Modifiers*

Modifiers in Solidity can also accept inputs and perform validations on them. Consider the `validAddress` modifier within the `FunctionModifier` contract: 📝

modifier validAddress(address _addr) {
require(_addr != address(0), “Not valid address”);

This modifier ensures that the provided address is not the zero address. If the condition fails, the function call will revert with the error message “Not valid address.” Once again, the `_` symbol indicates where the remaining function code should execute.

To utilize the `validAddress` modifier, include it as a parameter in the function definition: ✨

function changeOwner(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner validAddress(_newOwner) {
owner = _newOwner;

Hence, before executing the `changeOwner` function, the `validAddress` modifier will validate the `_newOwner` address to ensure it is not the zero address. This enhances the reliability and integrity of our smart contracts by preventing unintended operations. 🚫❌

🔒⛔ *Guarding Against Reentrancy Attacks*

Reentrancy attacks represent a serious vulnerability, wherein a malicious contract repeatedly calls back into a vulnerable contract before the previous call completes. Solidity modifiers come to our aid in guarding against such attacks by preventing reentrant function calls.

Within the `FunctionModifier` contract, the `noReentrancy` modifier achieves this protection: 📝

modifier noReentrancy() {
require(!locked, “

No reentrancy”);

locked = true;
locked = false;

The `locked` variable keeps track of the reentrancy state. When a function with the `noReentrancy` modifier is called, it checks whether `locked` is `false`. If `true`, the function call will revert with the error message “No reentrancy.” Otherwise, the `locked` state is set to `true`, the remaining function code executes (`_`), and finally, the `locked` state is reset to `false`.

Let’s examine the `decrement` function in the `FunctionModifier` contract to illustrate the practical usage of the `noReentrancy` modifier: ✨

function decrement(uint i) public noReentrancy {
x -= i;

if (i > 1) {
decrement(i — 1);

The `decrement` function subtracts `i` from the `x` variable. If `i` is greater than 1, the function recursively calls itself with `i — 1` as the argument. The `noReentrancy` modifier ensures that no reentrant calls can occur during the execution of the `decrement` function, thus mitigating any potential reentrancy vulnerabilities. 🔄🛡️

📝💡 *Educational Content and Sample Code*

Solidity function modifiers are a powerful tool for enhancing the security and functionality of your smart contracts. They provide a way to enforce access control, validate inputs, and guard against reentrancy attacks. By using modifiers effectively, you can write more robust and secure smart contracts.

Let’s explore a few additional code samples to further illustrate the usage of modifiers:

contract PaymentContract {
address payable public recipient;
uint public amount;
constructor(address payable _recipient, uint _amount) {
recipient = _recipient;
amount = _amount;
modifier onlyRecipient() {
require(msg.sender == recipient, "Not recipient");
function releasePayment() public onlyRecipient {

In the `PaymentContract` contract, the `onlyRecipient` modifier ensures that only the designated recipient can release the payment. This provides a simple yet effective access control mechanism for the `releasePayment` function.

Modifiers can also be combined to apply multiple conditions:

modifier validInput(uint _value) {
require(_value > 0, "Invalid value");
modifier onlyPositiveBalance() {
require(address(this).balance > 0, "No balance");
function withdraw(uint _value) public validInput(_value) onlyPositiveBalance {
// Withdraw logic…

In this example, the `withdraw` function can only be called with a positive value, and the contract must have a positive balance. These two modifiers work harmoniously to ensure a valid withdrawal operation.

🔍🔄 *Analyzing and Comparing Smart Contracts*

Now, let’s analyze, compare, and comment on the smart contracts provided.

The `FunctionModifier` contract exemplifies the use of modifiers for access control (`onlyOwner`), input validation (`validAddress`), and guarding against reentrancy attacks (`noReentrancy`). These modifiers introduce an additional layer of security and control to the contract’s functions.

By employing the `onlyOwner` modifier, the contract effectively restricts certain operations to the contract owner exclusively. This prevents unauthorized access and ensures that critical functions can only be executed by the owner.

The `validAddress` modifier helps prevent the usage of invalid addresses, which could lead to unexpected behavior or even loss of funds. This validation ensures that operations involving addresses are executed with valid inputs, thereby safeguarding the integrity of the contract.

The `noReentrancy` modifier serves as a protective shield against reentrancy attacks by locking the function during execution. This preventive measure halts any potential recursive calls that could exploit vulnerable state changes.

Overall, the `FunctionModifier` contract demonstrates exemplary practices for access control, input validation, and protection against reentrancy attacks. It provides a robust foundation for building secure and reliable smart contracts. 👏🔒

📚 *Conclusion*

Function modifiers in Solidity offer a remarkable feature that enhances the security and functionality of smart contracts. They allow developers to enforce access control, validate inputs, and guard against reentrancy attacks effectively. By mastering the usage of modifiers, we can write more resilient and secure smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

In this article, we have thoroughly explored function modifiers in Solidity, providing detailed explanations and insightful code samples. We have discussed their applications in access control, input validation, and protection against reentrancy attacks. Additionally, we have analyzed and commented on the `FunctionModifier` contract, highlighting its robust and secure design.

🔗 Additional Resources:

Now, armed with the knowledge of function modifiers, let’s embark on a journey to create safer and more reliable smart contracts. Happy coding! 💻✨🔒



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