#100DaysOfSolidity 📢 Understanding the “Call” Function in Solidity: Interacting with Contracts 📞

#100DaysOfSolidity Series 031 “Call”

Solidity Academy
5 min readJul 7, 2023

🔍 Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum smart contracts, provides a low-level function called “call” that allows contracts to interact with other contracts. While “call” is commonly used for sending Ether by invoking the fallback function, it is generally not recommended for calling existing functions.

#100DaysOfSolidity 📢 Understanding the “Call” Function in Solidity: Interacting with Contracts 📞

In this article, we will delve into the details of the “call” function, its usage, and its limitations.

📞 What is the “Call” Function? 🤔

The “call” function in Solidity enables contract-to-contract communication by invoking functions or sending Ether to a specified contract address. It provides a flexible way to interact with contracts, but it comes with certain considerations and potential pitfalls.

When using “call”, you specify the target contract address and the function to call, along with any necessary parameters. Additionally, you can include the amount of Ether to send and customize the gas limit for the execution of the called function.

🚧 Why is “Call” Not Recommended for Existing Functions? ❌

While “call” can be a useful tool for certain scenarios, it is generally discouraged to use it when calling existing functions in other contracts. Here are a few reasons why:

1️⃣ Reverts are not bubbled up: When calling a function using “call”, any revert that occurs within the called function will not bubble up to the calling contract. This means that the calling contract will not be aware of the revert and may continue executing erroneously.

2️⃣ Type checks are bypassed: Solidity provides a type system that ensures data integrity and safety. However, when using “call”, type checks for function parameters are bypassed. This can lead to potential vulnerabilities if the input types are not handled properly.

3️⃣ Function existence checks are omitted: By using “call” to invoke a function, you bypass the automatic existence checks performed by Solidity. If the function does not exist or has been renamed, the “call” will trigger the fallback function instead, potentially leading to unintended behavior.

❗️ Sample Contracts: Receiver and Caller ⚙️

To illustrate the usage and implications of the “call” function, let’s analyze two sample contracts: Receiver and Caller.

📄 Receiver Contract 📨

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
contract Receiver {
event Received(address caller, uint amount, string message);
fallback() external payable {
emit Received(msg.sender, msg.value, "Fallback was called");
function foo(string memory _message, uint _x) public payable returns (uint) {
emit Received(msg.sender, msg.value, _message);
return _x + 1;

The Receiver contract showcases a fallback function and a regular function called “foo”. The fallback function emits an event indicating that it was called, while the “foo” function emits an event with the passed message and returns the incremented value of “_x”.

📄 Caller Contract ☎️

contract Caller {
event Response(bool success, bytes data);
function testCallFoo(address payable _addr) public payable {
(bool success, bytes memory data) = _addr.call{value: msg.value, gas: 5000}(
abi.encodeWithSignature("foo(string,uint256)", "call foo", 123)
emit Response(success, data);
function testCallDoesNotExist(address payable _addr) public payable {
(bool success, bytes memory data) = _addr.call{value: msg.value
emit Response(success, data);

The Caller contract demonstrates two functions: “testCallFoo” and “testCallDoesNotExist”. The former uses “call” to invoke the “foo” function on the specified contract address, while the latter attempts to call a non-existing function.

📞 Calling Existing Functions with “Call” 📲

Let’s analyze the first scenario, where “testCallFoo” is used to call the “foo” function in the Receiver contract.

function testCallFoo(address payable _addr) public payable {
(bool success, bytes memory data) = _addr.call{value: msg.value, gas: 5000}(
abi.encodeWithSignature("foo(string,uint256)", "call foo", 123)
emit Response(success, data);

In this case, the “call” is made with a specific value of Ether (specified by “msg.value”) and a gas limit of 5000. The function signature and parameters for “foo” are encoded using “abi.encodeWithSignature”.

When invoking an existing function using “call”, you need to be aware of the limitations mentioned earlier. Reverts within the called function will not be propagated, type checks are bypassed, and existence checks are omitted. Therefore, caution must be exercised to ensure the proper functioning of the contract.

⚠️ Calling a Non-Existing Function 🛑

Now, let’s consider the second scenario, where “testCallDoesNotExist” in the Caller contract is used to call a non-existing function.

function testCallDoesNotExist(address payable _addr) public payable {
(bool success, bytes memory data) = _addr.call{value: msg.value}(
emit Response(success, data);

In this case, we attempt to call a function called “doesNotExist” using “call”. Since this function is not present in the Receiver contract, the fallback function of the Receiver contract is triggered. The result will be stored in “success”, and the returned data will be emitted through the “Response” event.

🔬 Analysis and Comparison of the Contracts 📊

Now, let’s analyze and compare the Receiver and Caller contracts.

The Receiver contract demonstrates the usage of a fallback function, which is triggered when the contract receives Ether without a specific function call. This fallback function emits an event, indicating that it was called, and receives the transferred Ether.

Additionally, the Receiver contract contains a function called “foo”. This function accepts a message string and an integer value, emits an event with the passed message and the value of Ether received, and returns the incremented value of the input integer.

On the other hand, the Caller contract showcases the use of the “call” function to interact with the Receiver contract. It has two functions: “testCallFoo” and “testCallDoesNotExist”.

The “testCallFoo” function demonstrates how to use “call” to invoke the “foo” function in the Receiver contract. It specifies the target contract address, the Ether value to send, and the gas limit. The function signature and parameters are encoded using “abi.encodeWithSignature”. The response from the “call” is stored in “success” and “data”, which are emitted through the “Response” event.

In contrast, the “testCallDoesNotExist” function illustrates what happens when “call” is used to invoke a non-existing function. In this case, the fallback function in the Receiver contract is triggered, and the result is emitted through the “Response” event.

💡 Conclusion ✅

In conclusion, the “call” function in Solidity is a powerful tool for interacting with other contracts. While it is commonly used for sending Ether via the fallback function, it is generally not recommended for calling existing functions due to the limitations discussed.

When using “call” to invoke existing functions, precautions must be taken to handle potential reverts, ensure proper type checking, and account for function existence checks. It is crucial to thoroughly understand the implications and potential risks associated with using “call” in Solidity contracts.

By utilizing the appropriate techniques and best practices, developers can effectively leverage the “call” function to enable secure and efficient contract-to-contract communication within the Ethereum ecosystem.

🔗 Disclaimer: The sample contracts provided are for educational purposes only. Always exercise caution and perform thorough testing when working with smart contracts in production environments._

🔗 Additional Resources:



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