Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Calculator with Solidity

Solidity Academy
11 min readApr 28, 2023

The Solidity Blueprint : A 21-Day Journey to Building Decentralized Applications

With the rise of blockchain technology, smart contracts have gained immense importance. Solidity is the most commonly used smart contract programming language for the Ethereum blockchain. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to develop a simple calculator using Solidity.

Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Calculator with Solidity

Step List:
Step 1. Setting up the Development Environment
Step 2. Creating the Project and File Structure
Step 3. Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
Step 4. Creating the Smart Contract
Step 5. Testing the Smart Contract
Step 6. Creating the Calculator Interface
Step 7. Integrating the Calculator Interface with the Smart Contract
Step 8. Displaying Results and Testing the Project

In our first step, we will set up the development environment required to develop a calculator with Solidity. We will then proceed to create the project and file structure step-by-step, and install the required libraries and dependencies. Next, we will use the Solidity programming language to create a smart contract, and test this contract.



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