πŸ“ Writing Robust Smart Contracts with require, assert, and revert in Solidity

Solidity Academy
4 min readJun 2, 2023

πŸ‘‹ Welcome to our blog post on writing robust and secure smart contracts using require, assert, and revert in Solidity! In this article, we will delve into the importance of these keywords and how they can enhance the reliability and readability of your Solidity code. So, let’s dive in and explore these powerful tools together! πŸ’ͺπŸ“š

πŸ“ Writing Robust Smart Contracts with require, assert, and revert in Solidity

1. Understanding the Importance of require, assert, and revert:

When writing smart contracts, it’s crucial to ensure that the code behaves as expected and handles unexpected scenarios gracefully. Solidity provides three essential keywords: require, assert, and revert, which can help achieve this goal. Let’s see what each of these keywords does and how they can improve the quality of your code.

πŸ” 1.1 require:
The require keyword is used to validate conditions at the start of a function. It acts as a precondition, ensuring that certain conditions are met before the execution of the rest of the code. If the condition evaluates to false, the function will revert, discarding any changes made and reverting the state back to its initial state. By using require, you can prevent invalid operations and protect your contract from undesirable states.

πŸ” 1.2 assert:
Unlike require, assert is used to check for conditions that should never be false. It is primarily used to validate invariants, such as checking the balance of an account after an operation. If the condition evaluates to false, it indicates an internal error or a bug in the code, and the contract execution is reverted. Assert statements are essential for detecting and handling unexpected situations during contract execution.

πŸ” 1.3 revert:
The revert keyword is used to provide a specific error message when a condition is not met. It allows you to provide more detailed information about why the condition failed. Revert statements are particularly useful when interacting with smart contracts, as they provide clear feedback to the user or calling contract about why the transaction was rejected.

πŸ“ Writing Robust Smart Contracts with require, assert, and revert in Solidity

2. Best Practices for Using require, assert, and revert:

To ensure the effectiveness and readability of your Solidity code, here are some best practices to follow when using these keywords:

πŸ§ͺ 2.1 Be Clear and Descriptive:
When writing conditions for require and revert statements, make sure to provide clear and concise error messages. This helps developers and users understand why their transactions failed and enables them to take appropriate actions.

βœ… Good Example:
require(balance[msg.sender] >= amount, β€œInsufficient balance”);

❌ Bad Example:
require(balance[msg.sender] >= amount, β€œError”);

πŸš€ 2.2 Use require for Input Validation:
To prevent incorrect or malicious inputs, use require to validate the function parameters at the beginning of your functions. This ensures that the required conditions are met before executing any critical logic.

⚑️ 2.3 Use assert for Invariants:
For validating invariants, such as checking balances or other expected conditions, use assert. These checks provide extra assurance that your contract is functioning correctly.

πŸ” 2.4 Use revert for Controlled Failures:
When encountering an exceptional situation where you want to reject the transaction but provide a detailed reason, use revert. It helps users and calling contracts understand why their transaction was rejected, facilitating better error handling and debugging.

πŸ”’ 2.5 Protect Sensitive Operations:
Consider adding require or assert statements to protect sensitive operations such as fund transfers, access control, or state modifications. This ensures that only authorized parties can perform critical actions.

πŸ“ Writing Robust Smart Contracts with require, assert, and revert in Solidity


In Solidity, require, assert, and revert are powerful tools for writing robust and secure smart contracts. By using these keywords effectively and following best practices, you can enhance the reliability and readability of your code. Remember to be clear and descriptive in your error messages, use the appropriate keyword for each situation, and protect sensitive operations. πŸ›‘οΈπŸ’‘

Now armed with this knowledge, go ahead and confidently build your next smart contract, knowing that you have the tools to handle unexpected scenarios with finesse! Happy coding! πŸš€πŸ’»



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